Anthony Rock

Fitz kicked Mellie to the curb, he now needs to kick Olivia to the curb.

This was a very disappointing episode. I'm speechless.
I have noted that Fitz is a stickler for loyalty and people not keeping things from him. How long do you think it will take for Mellie to throw in his face that His Olivia got her father out of prision - the man who killed his son. While refusing to pretend marry

But do they really care? it is obvious they think they can write a pig is a flying elephant because we return week after week to watch this "elephant" fly and claim how wonderful and how high it flies.

It appears to me that the writers are so enamored of themselves and their knowledge of their viewers that they don't care. They are fully aware that most viewers will return week after week to watch the crap they spew in spite of being displeased. When do we as viewers hold producers and writers responsible for the

This is surreal! WTH just happened? Just when we were giving
Shonda kudos for moving the OLITZ relationship forward, we get this episode? I’m
scratching my head because I don’t know what to do with this episode. I am left
to wonder who at Shondaland is running things…

And how would Verna have been brought to justice given that she only had one or two hours to live? Do you think Verna cared about her legacy?

A wise man or woman takes advice from his or her counselors.

Yes it is. Heck even the bible tells you to take advice from your counselors. It seems to me that some posters grab at any straw in an attempt to heap criticism on Fitz.

I am just floored by this. If the claim is that she did all of this to gain power, then she is the last person who should have any.

It was the best call given the circumstances.

Me too. They could have eliminated one of those Jake scenes and replaced it with the conversation.

I don't agree. That's a normal reaction because she lied to him for quite sometime. If he was butthurt he wouldn't have gone on TV to sing her praises and to lie for her.

I use the DVR button

And yet she is supposed to be this brilliant, law trained political animal. I hope that I can get one example of this before the show is over.

Totally agree with you. Some parts of this episode felt way off. No amount of bromance between Fitz and Cyrus can make up for the shoddy writing and plot development and retconning of events. I find these disconnects terribly off-putting.

Get over it. Fitz and Olivia is not going anywhere except to do the horizontal mambo again and again and again…

What exactly is wrong with taking advice from people around you? Isn't that what you are supposed to do?How successful are people who don't take advice from anyone?

I have to agree with you there. These boards are sadly lacking an ignore button.

I'm curious… Do you really think she cared about her legacy? Why did she not take action the moment she learned she had incurable cancer? Why wait until she was on her death bed with two hours at most to live? Why put a bullet in Fitz' head over something Fitz had no knowledge of? Who pays for the innocent bystanders

No thank you for that. The only way I would watch that is if Fitz and Olivia have make out sessions every episode and if we don't see much of Mellie.