Anthony Rock

HAHAHAHA- you bad :-)

LOL. Yes you did :-)

That was quite well done and on point.

That is Olivia's charm. And he, unlike Mellie, obviously moved on. Mellie needs to take a page from his book.

I am very much liking Fitz and Olivia being frisky. Olivia seems calmer, more settled… happier. She still has the fear, because there are somethings she cannot control and as a control freak this is scaring her witless.

Exactly. I think this as well. And then Cyrus made that remark about that being "a real big girl move"( if I could roll my eyes, I would have done at that). This did not cause the damage Mellie apparently intended: it just turned out to be the impetus for Olivia to win the American people to her side. After last

This has been par for the course for 2 years now. A total WTF for most of two years.

Let the record show that I have officially returned to watching Scandal. Now that OLITZ is back on track, Scandal has my allegiance.

Yes, we certainly do

As an Olitz fan, I am sure Olake fans did not miss me when I left. I won't miss them when they leave. It will be a welcome relief not to have to see posts about Olivia should be with Jake anymore :-)

Why should Fitz falling in love with someone else break the rules, when the two of them were not in love?

I stopped watching at the end of Season 3, when Olivia got on that plane to go to that made up island - that did it for me. I'll have to catch up on the rest. I have watched the Lawn Chair episode though. That was good TV. Episodes like that is what I have always hoped Scandal would be like in terms of quality.

I have to fess up and count myself as one of those who left. No OLITZ and continued sloppy writing was not something I had any intentions of continuing to watch. I can deal with the holes and inconsistencies as long as OLITZ is in a positive place. I look forward to the reset as well.

That Jake with Olivia pairing was stupid. And people who pushed for it are idiots.

I strongly believe that the viewers who left were the Olitz fans. I was one of them myself. I watched the episode the next day only because my cousin told me that Fitz and Olivia were back together. Now that the news of Fitz and Olivia being a team once again is out, I suspect those of us who made the show popular in

I have never understood the Mellie character and why she continued to grab hold of a man who told her and showed her in no uncertain terms that he had no interest in her. That is humiliating and utterly disrespectful. If she did it for the love of power, then that is one sad individual who is the last person who

Brilliantly and powerfully said. You should never be afraid to say what you feel. Why should you care if people say you are playing the race card or not? Who exactly are they to you? Tell you what, if ever you want to say something just tell me and I'll say it for you :-)

The fact that there are "fans" that think Olitz is not the slightest bit romantic is earth shattering and bloody confusing.
OLITZ is perfectly cutesy. A brilliantly conceptualized, blazingly hot couple.
That white hat moniker is idiotic and has been so from day one
The premise of scandal is to show the gray that exists

Good for you. I stopped watching pretty much at the start of S4. It had just gotten too stupid.

S4 was bad. In some respects worse than S3, yet the only people that left before the finale were those viewers who were vested in seeing the OLITZ relationship prosper and realized that it was going from bad to worse and so they stopped watching.