Oh no! Who will stand up for Christians, Conservatives, and White People? There are like no places in the world where they’re welcome or have any control over anything!
Oh no! Who will stand up for Christians, Conservatives, and White People? There are like no places in the world where they’re welcome or have any control over anything!
So do you put any sort of condiments on it first, or do you just lick the boot plain for the pure joy of defending billionaires?
Yeah, but before it’s cured you get several millions in bribes, so it’s not all bad.
Wait, you’re saying Bernie supporters are paternalistic? Not Hilary supporters, who since the beginning of the election have repeatedly said “Oh, it’s cure you think you can vote for that guy, but if you understood politics at all, you’d know Hilary is inevitable.”
I don’t fault you for this incredibly stupid comment, as such is the way of the internet. I do, however, severely question the judgement of the so-far 7 people who read that and thought “Yeah! Give that a star!”
It’s much simpler than you’re making it. “Hitler is the person who disagrees with you on the internet.” That should hold them until school fills in the details.
You know that’s literally not true, right? A vote for Stein is a vote for Stein. Last I checked, the vote goes to the person you select on the voting form.
“Vote your fears, never your conscience!”
Good job disproving the fact that Hilary supporters are conservatives. “It’s their money! They earned it! Taxes are theft!!!!”
Solid logic — “If Bernie were corrupt, he wouldn’t be mad at other people being corrupt!”
“Sure, she’s taking Wall Street money, but it’s to help other candidates be corrupt!”
Exactly. Are there any bigger crybabies than Cubans in Florida? It’s like, we get it, Castro closed down your Granddaddy’s hookers-and-blow shop 50 years ago. You can quit crying about it now.
Did you know that sports are literally not a morality play? And that, in fact, the presence or lack of arrogance has no impact n the outcome of the game? Because those are incontrovertible facts.
Yeah, but LSD makes for good scare-mongering and anti-drug paranoia. If you had a headline for everytime some idiot got drunk and killed someone, those would tbe the only headlines you write...
I literally was sent to jail once for demonstrating at an Obama rally. So yes, that happens quite a bit here. Source: my own existence.
“but when you look at the data there is.”
Right, but that’s the point — Hitler was elected democratically in a peaceful, open election. If you wait until the point where they’re killing pepole, you’re too late. So while yes, it is easier to protest Trump now, it’s also significantly more important to do it now, rather than in the hypothetical dystopian future.
“I could just as easily compare the vilification of the 1% in this country to what the Nazi’s were preaching about.”
This is a bad opinion, as history is full of political rallies that would have greatly benefitted from some focused protest. As this is the internet and Godwin’s law and all, here’s one particularly apt example:
A politician who is also a star fucker? Now I’ve seen everything!