Anthony Garcia

Silent Hills was the only reason I desired a PS4. I didn't buy the console prematurely though. But I did buy the original game for my PS3 on the PSN store during the flash sale. Well worth the $2.40 USD. PS3 is going to work out for me great for another 4 years at least.

At this point I'll settle for an HD release of the original Silent Hill.

Reason to upgrade to PS4 gone!

I eat Subway a couple times a month. I’m partial to the southwest chipotle dressing. And tuna is a big part of my diet. Love the stuff :D

still waiting on the PS4 slim

still waiting on the PS4 slim

I already picked up Silent Hill. Not going to play it until I finish Dino Crisis, which I picked up at the last fire sale last month for less than a dollar, with 10 other games. This is going to take me years to play all of them, so no PS4 until then. It really bothers me that you can't play all PSN purchases on

I already picked up Silent Hill. Not going to play it until I finish Dino Crisis, which I picked up at the last

Nothing beats the goosebumps I got from the original TV spot. It was at the height of the grunge era and MK encapsulated that anti-pop sentiment. Pop is exactly what this newer commercial is.

The nerd boners were so hard for this one lol. So hilarious to see their innocence before the release of the movie.

This is the first intelligent and insightful comment that I have read on this story. I'm glad I found it because my view of Jezebel commenters was skewing negatively there. Just in the nick of time too, before I stereotyped you all lol

I'm sure you feel plenty silly about saying this huh?

I would buy another apple cable if they made them in black. I need an extra one for my car, but I don't need a bright, white cable throwing off the decor in my dark black interior. China! They always give me a cheaper option :D Sorry chinese laborers, I cannot resist!

Have you never been to a Catholic church?

Ha! It all makes sense now. My jr high school newspaper teacher drove him to a parade and I got to interview him during the ride. I just thought it was because he had a busy schedule. I never knew about the car quirk. Amazing.

dead link...

Hilarious! He autographed my copy of Illustrated Man back in 92, when I was in jr. high. I interviewed him for the school newspaper and found him to be an extremely warm person.

His legacy spreads! Bienvenido al club rzam!

His books were an escape and its amazing how much power his fiction had to whisk one away. Such was his talent.

I still have the autographed copy of The Illustrated Man that he signed for me back when I was in 8th grade. It was such a lush and fascinating book, and I am still in awe at how much imagination this man had. Thank you Mr. Bradbury! You are the reason why I even give fiction a chance sometimes.

Thank you for this. It was poetic in itself.

@Vega7: It's common in the media for them to report the maximum sentence. They rarely hand those out, especially for 1st time offenders.