The Pool Man

Spit. And Skankle for THE BLOCK.

Just because you're a fanboy doesn't mean I'm stupid not to swallow like you.

Around the 31:31 mark there's an exterior establishing shot of the casino. We know the insurance man was told to go here. Just before the 35:52 mark he's asked by the jerks that run the place to explain himself. This next line is, "I'm here to tell you something… you will want to know about."

1. This show is presenting itself as Season 3 of TWIN PEAKS. I agree with you that it isn't but that's not my fault. You accurately point out that if they called this series FIRE WALK WITH ME a part of these women issues would be directly addressed. But —

I wanted to add a gag about that bear. That when Richard was at the table he interrupted his purse-filling duties, grabbed the bear, and thru it against the far wall. The bear smashes to bits… and the recording stops. But a moment later —

Just re-listened. If it's there it's not worth mentioning in a 'for God's sake' sense.

There's an issue of balance. The original series achieved it.

I didn't hear it.

… which is disturbing IN THAT it indicates why their fanship is so passionate.

"The characters are so complex."

Michael Em — usually your analogies are clear but kind of off topic. This one isn't even clear. Gobbledeegook.

Actually, Zippy, I said "Any season of BATES MOTEL is high art compared to this season of PEAKS." Compared to. You even quoted this yourself but were too stupid to read your own quote.

"Do you watch art movies. Do you watch experimental animation or abstract
films? Those have a different entry point for entertainment. I can
watch those. I'm not bragging."

Catherine Martell was a classic Soap Opera character: the bitch. That's her job. It's not misogyny to point this out. Her character would say this about herself. Most of the men she referred to as 'bastards' were.

This was actually one of the better episodes. Because things actually happened. But to admit that you have to admit what you did — "Just continue to have them aimlessly wander about like the greasy charred hobos in the gas station/convenience store?"

I care about quality. Not cool.

I'm amazed you looked up from re-reading Harry Potter to even comment.

My definition of art is that it cannot be improved.

I've already granted your point. The problem is your analogies keep changing your point.

Maybe your perspective will change once you go through puberty.