The Pool Man

I'm actually a defender of humanity. If this show had issues with men instead I'd still complain.

great cast / uneven cast
great acting / uneven acting
solid pace / leaden pace
serviceable cinematography/ interesting cinematography
ordinary music/ interesting music
respected women despite premise / premise disrespects women
tons of twists and turns / three twists and turns so far

Again — you're co-mingling. You've decided that if people don't appreciate this season as art THEN they are people who don't understand the beauty of art in the first place.

The original series was on a femme leaning network called ABC. The show was absolutely SWAMPED in great women characters. The wise old log lady. Heart of gold Norma. Joan Chen seeking salvation in the Sheriff. Laura's good side before she was molested. Audrey Horne's desire to fix things at home and all over

Strongly prejudiced against women. Yes.

You co-mingle valid ideas with apologist criticism.

I wouldn't say it was 'utter garbage'. It was extremely long, derivative of an utter garbage movie, and misogynistic.

Talk about user-blocking douchiness.

We know NOTHING for certain. Hollywood can publicly say one thing to protect a director's ego or legacy BUT do something entirely different behind closed doors. Or it could have been someone Lynch trusts who talked to him after episode 8.

THAT is the core problem here. Whenever a director reaches 'The Master' status no one but NO ONE is allowed to question The Master.

I'm happy the reviewer's letter grade has caught up to my season letter grade: B-

Gee. Misogyny from rabid fans of this Season of Peaks? Where's the surprise part?

You had me at

You're way more harsh than I — but I agree with you that this Peaks is a mindless heartless misogynistic hoax.

Not worthy of a response. BLOCKED.

Disappointing mediocre PEAKS.

I can see you're a wordsmith. But with the responsibility of using words cleverly one must also be accurate.

To be honest I wasn't aware that pedophilia referred to ONLY per-pubescent. I believed it was a catch all phrase for — in this case — eroticism of all minors.

It's nice to see you can't fool all of the people all of the time.
