The Pool Man

"sn't it possible that EVERY SINGLE KNOCKED OUT PERSON now has one of those creatures inside them?"

Well if you'd seen it we could have a coherent discussion.


"I just don't see (Freudian imagery of molesting virginal girls) as objectionable as a work of fiction, or art, any
more than I see Tony Soprano murdering someone in the context of The
Sopranos as objectionable"

I once drove a Heteronormative. It got great mileage but the automatic windows kept breaking.

Jordan. Thanks for being a reasonable/thoughtful type. Some thoughts —

"Respectfully, you — and the rest of us — have no idea what's coming."

I haven't officially given up on THIS show — but like you I've given up on the idea that is some form of TWIN PEAKS. And I agree it will not get better. It is what it is.

I don't even know what that means. I do know the fanboys here have to lighten up. If they don't like a comment move on.

Unable to refute my argument you go ad hominem.

WONDER WOMAN is one of the best films of the year. All you have to forgive is —

I'm in the story writing world. What you're speaking of is called "getting ahead of the story". Movies and TV can be frustrating when you're over idea one and awaiting idea two.

Either you see Trump is the very flower of patriarchy or pretend Obama is a Muslim. It's up to you what side you're on.

This was where you were supposed to say "what's sexual or Freudian about that?!?" Unable to do so you again concede I'm right.

By the way… the giant watches a nuke go off. Then what happens next?

So you're crucifying yourself for admitting there's something lackluster afoot. Wow. Being ashamed that the artist screwed you is a new one.

I'm going to tell you a story. About a nameless man. The nameless man has a name, but you'll never get to know it. Not if you are impatient.

Unable to refute my reasoning you admit I'm right.

I was trying to get some idiot to reply to my comment.
