The Pool Man

"My only point has ever been that you, or anyone, singularly, are not the
arbiter of whether or not "the narrative sucks." Just as I, or anyone,
singularly, would not be the arbiter of it being great."

Oh? Then if you're not annoyed why don't you grant some of my positions instead of ignoring them as you have now?

"I disagree that a piece of art (or pop culture, or storytelling, or television, or
visual text, or whatever your term of choice) has to succeed with
EVERYONE in order to be considered successful."

"I feel like this might be a case in which you're equating you not liking something with that thing not being good. "

Terrence Malick. I like BADLANDS and I'm a ginormous fan of DAYS OF HEAVEN. I know people who fall asleep during the latter because there's not a lot of dialog and they say it's 'slow'.

The narrative is improving, yes, because story plants are beginning to pay off. But that doesn't negate how overlong and self-indulgent the first 9 episodes were.

When an intelligent viewer says "you lost me" it is ALWAYS the artist's problem. Not the viewer.

Your mother made a mistake.

You're not totally lost. The narrative is.

So much wrong in so few words.

Audrey has been locked away in that surreal Myst castle. She is that 'creature' that was banging that steel door in that room… trying to get out. No matter what red herrings the show is throwing it's the best explanation.

Force of habit. Only looked this up myself a few months ago.

One of the best scenes in that carwreck.

She'd probably do her.

Don't wish to be the contrarian on all things — but as coincidence would have it my wife and I are rewatching BEWITCHED and DREAM OF JEANNIE these days. The last time we saw these shows were decades ago as children.

Our critic on this page notes that it was an episode of such storytelling. As if a theme of everyone sitting around talking makes it okay somehow. Not for me.

One of the better episodes of this season.

This is not overstuffed by any means. It's understuffed. Stuff happens but it takes so long to happen it makes everything anti-climactic.

A. Kind of off topic. If this is so important to you, sure.

"We disagree as to the point of criticism."