The Pool Man

That last image. Of the grave. With Norma's ginormous epitaph. And Norman's absolutely blank.

Saying goodbye to FEUD and BATES in the same week is brutal.

I'm a critics critic. There are countless popular TV shows and films I watched minutes of and abandoned. Not because I didn't like the story but because I didn't like how poorly the story was told.

I'd argue this was the best episode of the series. Hands down. I couldn't believe how it presented a bunch of understandable rules and stuck to them. The story made sense at a lightning pace.

Looking at that big picture above it occurs to me that Freddie could play Spock.

lol "A bagel with cream cheese, not cream cheese on a bagel."

A-?!? Are you kucking fidding me?!? C- would be generous. This is D people. There was so much wrong in this episode it's painful.

I'm a Bette Davis fan. Joan never took with me. I did see HUMORESQUE and thought it was extraordinary, but of her performance and the one i BABY JANE I concluded she was solid but not compelling. Nothing wrong with her, nothing riveting.

If you thought the first episode was lame you won't get the series.

Wait a minute. Just WAIT A MINUTE. Please don't tell me that —

Interesting that the director of the film (Molina) was nowhere to be found in this episode.

(edit) Having now done some YouTube research, I'll only partially disagree with you instead of strongly. I say this because if you look at period footage of these two women at the time you learn Joan looks 'younger'/'better' than Davis but on the series it's the exact opposite.

That is SO not going to happen.

Ouch! lol

Yeah. I wanted it to be that Norman was dragging the body upset that Norma wasn't helping, and that she's like, "Someone's got to hold the flashlight?!?"

Why is that EVERY LAST STINKIN' EPISODE of this HOTMESS ruins itself with a completely illogical detail or three that a 5 year old would have caught in the script's draft stages?!? Understand — if this show wants to send people from the real world into the dreaming world with out of nowhere futuristic tech, okay, I

This means that when Norman spoke to Edwards in the coffee shop… either Norman was talking to himself the entire time or he never even went into the coffee shop but imagined it all within his car. It kind of has to be the latter —

Why do I have this feeling we should be asking, "Where was HR again?"

Oh yes. Regrettably I can't shake LEGENDS. Not because it's good but because I sense it has an Arrowverse tie in I need to understand.

This episode was a B. Not C. The series is a kind of B- which is why this is confusing.