The Pool Man

To suggest Flash is worse than Legends of Please God Cancel Me is quite the slur indeed.

If you're a fan of that song, hit YouTube and look for Betty Boop cartoon with same title. Look for the HD version. It will blow your mind.

"I'll Be Glad When You Dead You Rascal You" or nothing

This series is a masterwork.

What didn't bode well for Dinah Drake was also the show's disinterest in committing her to be Black Canary. She's like this trainee.

"Though I initially thought this episode might be setting up his exit,
“Distant Sun” ends with Kara and Mon-El reaffirming their love for one
another. Mon-El, it seems, it here to stay. And that’s fine! There’s
definitely a place for Mon-El—and especially for Chris Wood’s charms—on Supergirl. But perhaps that place

Did I miss the part of the review that says Adrian Chase is hands down the best ARROW villain past, present, and future?

Grade: C

A few thoughts —

The show is great.

Cisco's "admit it you dig me" crap and whatshernames sudden "just gotta kiss the fool" was the stuff of male writer sexual harassment of an actress. Yuck.

This episode was a solid A. How does it get better than this? Pleeeasssee reviewer — admit you're watching greatness and accept you're left with nothing to do but marvel.

Greetings Caroline Siede,

Ad hominem.

It's funny that you exhibit a bit of the issue you're railing against. You believe I'm so ignorant that I cannot possibly have understood your first post and so — amazingly — you re-explain it. So you become condescending in your annoyance at perceived condescension.

… and the irony is that Mixxie predates all of this by decades.

Thanks. And it completely makes sense. Tell me — did they suggest Charlie X was a Q too? Or rescued by the Q?

I think y'all and the main reviewer are kind of getting seriously lost.

"So this is a really specific pull, but in addition to his Q-like powers — "

"makes people ignore your following statements, whether they are correct or not."