The Pool Man

One of the Union soldiers approached the Legends and asked, "Who are you guys?"

In fact your idea should be used AGAIN AND AGAIN to explain why these douchebags are called legends.

I haven't read a word of that review or seen a frame of said episode — but I'll say this — I will by tonight.

THE FLASH and LEGENDS OF SAUSAGE could learn a lesson from ARROW this year. Take a few good stories and tell them slowly. Don't kitchen sink us.

"I’ll admit I still don’t really feel the grief of Diggle killing Andy"


SUPERGIRL has moved up to my favorite ARROWVERSE show. It did so after the second half of last year.

I've heard from other sources it wasn't planned. Don't care either way.

I said the show had 8 WTF moments which took them 8 episodes to fix. I didn't feel the show was fixed until the episode within which that character morphed.

That's right. If you watched the first season you know who that is. If you haven't I haven't spoiled.

I only read the first paragraph because I'm watching the premiere tonight. But on the issue of finding it's footing, I reiterate: the pilot was promising but had at least 8 major WTF moments of TERRIBLE writing. They filmed a rough draft.

There was a time when people (like me) would see one of Roger Moore's later Bonds and tell their friends, yeah, it sucked.

Agreed, but you're minimizing my other point. I believe every STAR WARS film has had this effect — people 'dream' their way thru each movie. Even the prequels which they 'hated' but saw 3 times anyway.

Depends how you define 'kid'. In certain circles he is. Unfortunately there's a racial concern of assigning the black Flash 'boy' status because the white 'man' flash arrives… who only looks 3 years older.

I have this theory that people sometimes watch movies but aren't really watching. What they do is DIG the world before them and kind of imagine the movie while they watch it. That it's a sort of a dream state. A spell they go into. And so when the movie is over, they awake from their dream, LOVING EVERYTHING ABOUT

The elephant in the room is that McDonalds, Burger Kings, Wendys, Carl's Jr, & Jack in the Box used to be associated with the middle class.

A 'robin' is a small bird.

I agree with the reviewer that this episode should have been longer. A two hour premiere. If written well it (and money poured into it) it could have doubled as a Flash standalone feature.

No. They didn't have a point. Except to say "Oliver has seen this type of voodoo evil once before." Which could have been handled in a line of dialog.

Giorgio Moroder put Donna Summer on the map and wrote hit songs for other artists that landed on movie soundtracks. Then — in a moment of insane creativity — he took the silent sci-fi classic METROPOLIS and added a pop soundtrack. Back in 1984.