The Pool Man

I don't wish to gossip, but I went to college with these two guys who… well… considered themselves experts in the arts. They both had the same first name and were known by these names.

Writers sure are amazing. What they can do with words. They're better than jocks. Remember that.

I wanted to learn that the Russian lady had turned into this absolutely horrific monster thing. Completely corrupted by the voodoo evil. That Amanda Waller kept her secure and unconscious in a FLASHIAN prison.

Thanks to your comment I edited mine to read "much voo-doo about nada" ;-)

Did anyone besides me notice the entire year of 'Flashback Island' proved basically pointless? It was there to tell us 'Oliver has seen this evil before' but really nothing more. I thought that just maybe —

That's okay. I'm not very amused by the characters on Legends Of ucktards

I got really choked up when they talked about Time Remnant Barry. Who gave his life for humanity. Sacrificed himself like Jesus.

ARROW = the room needs to be cleaned but it's not too messy
SUPERGIRL = the room was a complete mess last September but that girl sure did a Super job cleaning things up
FLASH = has always been messy
LEGENDS OF UCKTARDS = post Hiroshima

I hope I'm wrong. I Googled about his health and someone else saw it too.

I want a really slow character. That does absolutely nothing. Like Congress.

Two things —

This isn't a horror show. With knives, blood, and a Psycho who runs the world's scariest hotel. This is a drama about a broken family… in a broken town.

That WAS funny.

The Barry scene was so rushed in speed it was painful.

It turns out there's only one sane way to approach time travel stories.

As a critic I try to speak outside of my taste and more execution. Since it's DIFFICULT to do that I put shows in three basic categories: QUALITY, PASS, or FAIL.

ARROW is fine, so is SUPERGIRL (now), FLASH is fun but has some WTF moments, LEGENDS is wall to wall WTF moments.

You're in good company. I'm convinced the writers haven't watched it either.

… and with this useless nonsensical episode I've give up on LEGENDS.

With all due respect, to me Prince was as incredible as he was disappointing. He had an ability to write AMAZING singles now and again… but his albums included too many songs which should have been left in his famed vault. It got to the point where he'd release three albums worth of songs at once — but barely