The Pool Man

If Norma's face was glued to a Vegas poker table she'd still lack a poker face

"The other Jay killed by Zoom was a time remnant. Probably best not to think too deeply on that one."

The problem is if Dylan talks to Norma…

I have a wild THEORY to share with y'all.

The more I think about it the DUMBER this show is. Whenever I hear a story repeating it's premise and motivation each week… I start to realize the writers are trying to convince themselves instead of having an apparent premise.

This show is simply too sloppy for words. In the first 8 minutes or so —

Stray Observation: J'onn (as the little boy) politely asked Mrs. Danvers to take two steps back (so that he can shapeshift into Hank). Right. Instead of simply taking two steps back the way a normal person. Hey J'onn — if you're going to break wind feel free to move back instead of asking others to back off.

I think Laurel's legs are too skinny. But I wouldn't kill her for this reason.

If this show returns next year Kara needs to be promoted to reporter status. So that we 'get' why Kara isn't at her desk all the time.

Banshee was WAAAY too fast. Not to mention phoned in.

lol Perhaps at the end of a lighthearted episode Grant jumps out of an alley and flashes his junk so fast that people try to replay it slower on the internet to see if he really did it… and where his junk should be is Will Ferrell's face

These Berlanti shows are great fun… but I don't want them to get as sloppy as LEGENDS. A few wincing moments —

Contrary to popular belief — I believe Norman is a dead man walking. The issue isn't if he will die but by which family member or friend?

I love this show. My gut is that the show will end up being pointless if it builds to the Psycho feature. I think this Norman is going to be saved.

California girls wear giant Ugg boots… with skirts and sleeveless tops.

Kara + Red Kryptonite = way to take out Trump NOW

What's also driving me crazy is the out in the open 'sourcing' of better material. The hallmark of TERRIBLE writing.

I absolutely hate this show's complete disregard for time periods. People didn't ask each other "What's up?" in the 50s. No black kid from today has a fricken clue who 'Boss Hogg' was. Lazy @$$ crap writing. It's like —

Constantly talk about Firefly? Never heard one word of this. But then the frakkin FORCE AWAKENS holes gabbed so much I missed Christmas entirely.

I was a kid when the original Omen came out. So much a kid I was too scared to see it. The tales I heard from older kids. In my teens I gave the movie a try and felt it was just one gross out followed by another. A year or so I tried it again and felt it simply fed upon a depraved desire within us all.