The Pool Man

Lost is space, huh? I think that's where this series is.

I don't know why people trash ARROW. This series is PATHETIC in comparison.

I believe this episode of SUPERGIRL was better than the MAN OF STEEL feature.

"Thea isn’t so much Thea here, but rather the official permission Oliver
needs to keep the secret until the narratively appropriate moment."

When Flash went to Earth 2, his eyes were wide with wonder at how different things were. When Legends goes to a new time — it's so 'whatever' for the team.

If they named the dude Timmy we wouldn't be having this discussion

I was wondering if I had somehow missed this very point. In another comment elsewhere I said, "If this is the case — they're not explaining the timeline rules clearly or often enough."

I should be able to give a simple answer, and so I'll try to be brief —

If this show doesn't get its act together soon — its going to occur to a lot more people than me that it actually sucks.

Oh you're no FUN anymore.. ;-)

If peeps love SW LOTR HP — I'm happy for you. I'm just saying I'm THAT picky. That said, a TV pilot doesn't have to be perfect for me. Pass or fail really.

When I was a kid this show was called WOMEN'S ROLLERDERBY.

I have to strongly disagree. Arrow's pilot and first season were just fine.

It may be one of the weaker episodes of the season… but it has one of the most memorable scenes. Gorilla Grodd and Sharkman are cute, but watching Patty's reaction to being lied to… was fantastic drama.

Pilot was in RUSH mode. All Berlanti pilots run like trailers instead of stories, which is SO infuriating SINCE once they settle down their all awesome shows.

I believe the biggest weakness of this pilot is the same weakness in all Berlanti pilots: that desperate desire to show every 'toy' you have in your bedroom instead of allowing us to play with one or two toys and really enjoy them.

Can't read this yet because I haven't watched it yet — but I just have to say that ARROW was the only Berlanti show with a solid pilot.

We're very likely the only people reading these exchanges at this point. And if you had noticed I didn't really go into detail.

You might want to lighten up. I didn't spoil 'Rosebud'. And by having participated in this discussion I already pre-spoiled the idea.

Though I was very happy I got half of my wish that Hank covered for Kara as SG, I can't believe they didn't follow thru and make it funnier. Imagine if Hank had done that but Kara didn't know about J'onn yet? She might have passed out.