I thought Jameis Winston was going to be a complete bust. I admit I was wrong.
I thought Jameis Winston was going to be a complete bust. I admit I was wrong.
At least he put on a fake as hell smile. Vivek didn’t even do that.
Judging by the publication, I think both are true.
I also own a Webster’s Thesaurus, DICK Brody.
“Professional liar” huh? Tommy Flanagan would like a word sir.
And Jeff Fisher’s blood feud against the Atlanta Falcons has begun. He seems deluded enough to blame them for his firing.
Tom, I’m standing here outside the Dallas Cowboys stadium and fans are chanting, “Bring Romo back!”
That can’t be his real picture. That is clearly Michael McKean’s character Jerry Palter from “A Mighty Wind”.
Drew, why do high school teachers keep getting in trouble for sexting students? They have training at the beginning of every school year where the administration drums it into their heads not to do it, and every year some shmuck or a half dozen throughout the country end up losing their job, marriage, kids, future…
Is Hamilton Nolan a real person or a character created by someone at Kinja?
Can we cut it out with this “tartan” bullshit? It’s plaid people. IT’S PLAID.
Old coffee and ulcer burps.
Dammit Ashley work just provided free cupcakes and now the frosting looks like Ted Cruz chin cheese to me.
The stocking one is an all-time classic.
And now I have something to get me through the week until Friday afternoon.
Now the Mets have the Dark Knight and Jesus! Neat!
Why do people feel the need to take shitty pictures and videos of every event? Enjoy the moment. Take in your surroundings. Make memories instead of recording them.
I don’t think the entire city is racist because of her. I just think they’re terrible sports fans because they throw batteries and boo Santa Claus and enjoy hearing this girl’s screeching about peanuts.