Your dad called — he wants his jokes back

As a progressively-getting-uglier human, I second this.

Thanks so much for this. I feel like I’ve just landed in Paradise City. Other COTD recipients have always said “don’t cry”, but when you’re walking down the street of dreams that is receiving COTD, you just gotta stop and remember we’re all knockin’ on Heaven’s door.

It’s just what Canadians do.

Sorry about being sorry.

A childhood of Lego seems to have paid off.


Sorry aboot that.

Lol @ yellow “splitter”.

Good point. Except I beat my spotter to the house by 30 minutes. Impatience clearly doesn’t pay off.

Drove one of these from Muskoka to London, Ontario. Was a blast and surprisingly got up to highway speeds quickly.

Worst part came when backing into the driveway of the home we just bought — ended up a little too close to the house and took out the corner of the eavestrough.

Waiting for someone to pipe up and say the Hyundai Santa Fe XL.

My favorite part is when the bed of the AXL rose. All the rock poured out.

Oui, montons les chèvres à travers le marché sans pantalon!

To whoever the new owner is: the only appropriate way to drive this car is on two wheels:

Give it white doors and it’s pretty much this:

This would be one RUF party. 

I don’t think they believe in a line — they just drive circles ‘round it.

I feel like Tool would make an appropriate band livery, especially with this slapped on the hood:

Those ones with the unkept beards, out-of-style wire frame glasses that don’t fit their face shape, and are usually found driving Sunfires?

*Edit: this guy...

Am I doing it right?

And the front bumper still looks immaculate.