Your dad called — he wants his jokes back

I did this but with CART World Series on PS1. If you’re lucky and hit one of the opponents just right, their entire car will go flying. Pretty sure I spent more time driving the wrong way ‘round in that game than actually racing.

Amen. Eventually it would get to the point where my five-year-old self would throw down the controller in a fit of rage, go to the freezer, grab a popsicle, then go play outside for a bit.

I think lapped cars should be allowed to turn around and drive in the opposite direction at full throttle, take out a few opponents, then pause and hit ‘Restart Race’.

...wait, what are we talking about again?

Blah blah, ugly truck, yadda yadda, so many better options for my money, and so on.

*sits back and waits for Rez’s fired up responses*

If you enjoy the great outdoors but are terrified of being eaten by bears...

Also, I read VILLAGESLAUGHTER as Villages Laughter.

Ooo! I want in on this:

Audi Suburbslicer

Audi Hamlethammerer

Audi Intersectioninterceptor (German police version?)

Audi Highwayhellraiser

Audi Onyourassandwantstopass

Is the extra 6hp there to compensate for the added weight of... whatever the heck would fit in the “back seat”?

Into a pile of brown dust, amirite?

My friend’s parents bought one of these brand new. I always had an appreciation for the Millenia ever since my mom bought her first new car — a 2002 Protege5. That very Protege5 became my first car out of college and I loved it to death. Living in Ontario, Canada, I soon learned Mazda’s kryptonite: road salt! However,

Agreed! This is asstronomical stuff.

I know right? Just takes my breath away with that logic.

Never imagined I’d get to see a bulldozer do a 360. Quite impressed!

I would’ve agreed with you about 20 years ago. But I’ve come to appreciate Kenny’s contribution to Top Gun — I couldn’t imagine the film without it.

Also, I managed to get my 6 year old daughter singing it, so it’s cute now.

To be fair, we do live in the city right now, but are working towards moving up to Muskoka, Ontario in the near future. If that’s the case, we will definitely be investing in some auxiliary lighting to keep the deer, moose, and bears at bay.

And here I am trying to get my wife on board to getting a single set of Hella 500s.

If it’s going to be an updated version, he should probably remove the reference to overdrive — seeing as that’s not really relevant in the auto industry nowadays.

I wish I had more than just one to give.

I remember watching this last year. Love how down-to-earth the guy is.

Definitely looking forward to a re-recording!