
What if it’s a lumberjack funeral. They die too, you know. If a tree falls in the woods and kills a lumberjack, will your list fall on deaf ears? You know nothing of the plight of the mourning lumberjack.

See, Republicans win with their ideas, not pandering.

Is hipster scarf her reddit boyfriend? Probably not but that...would make sense.

Sadly the winning applicant had neither the creativity nor the self-awareness to replace herself with Hipster Barbie in her soft-focus lifestyle selfies.

A friend who works at a semi-prominent media/branding firm recently told me about their newest hire. Unlike other applicants, she had no related educational background in PR, advertising or media and no real job history but was selected largely based on the quality of her Instagram, which looked an awful lot like this.

A dynamic paradigm, wherein agile linguistic maneuvers will be monetized?

Or evaporative new economy?

Obviously, the picture is blurry because it was taken by a professional.

i believe what he is saying is that god sent the iceburg to punish man for transitioning from an agrarian economy to a manufacturing economy

Right. They are great trolls.

I cannot possibly imagine that anyone would have thought game 1 was boring even from a box score. Home run bottom on the 9th? Changes in the lead (or ties) on what 5 occasions? Come back win for the home team? Game 1 was like every 12 year old’s dream there were a million heroes.

While I’m sure they’re out there, I’ve never encountered (online - I don’t think I’ve ever met a self-identifying Satanist, per se, in the flesh) a person who said “Yes! I AM a Satanist, because I worship Lucifer, rebel against the Almighty God, and I hope he overthrows God and we all burn in hellfire for eternity,”

do you even constitution, bro?

“Well I’ll be Goddamned” - everyone involved

I guess we now now what Curt Schilling is doing with his Sunday?

Duh, all three are innocent of the allegations against them. Jesus Christ, people are stupid.

more like bad libs, amirite

What do all three have in common? They all got away with “it”.

Cheater, Cheater, Woman Beater