
Dude, you should see a therapist.

I've been raped and I've been divorced. I'd take the rape over the divorce any day. I didn't love or trust my rapist, and physical pain passes, but the betrayal of the person who promised to love me forever deciding I was not worth loving... that is what gave me the PTSD I have now. I will never trust another man

I'm really glad that "The Good Men Project" has become a link for mockery. Welcome to the post-Hugo Jezebel, please enjoy your stay.

Two thoughts come to mind here, honestly:

And choose your screen name wisely.

Hahahaha, this is hilarious. I really don't get the people in the comments who are Team Neighbours. Then again, I'm not American, so I have no desire for my house to look exactly identical to every other house in the neighbourhood because the Home Owners Association doesn't own my ass and can't tell me what I can do

I am by no stretch of the imagination a prude but I have to say, if I had kids, an illuminated middle finger would bother me. Not enough to destroy other people's property but worth a conversation or two.

Someone needs to do a light display of the shocker.

"You can't take facts and force them to fit some kind of political agenda."

You...YOU....Are amaaaaaaazing. This comment gives me LIFE!

Don't go there. We'll have to process it on GT all weekend!

Heh, I read that and thought the same thing. Someone needs to introduce her to Clear Channel, because hot damn, do Clear Channel stations love them some Pink. I think I woke up to "Raise Your Glass" for about a year...

This seems to have gotten creepy real fast with all the people bothering DC Katies, but when I read articles like this about how horrible things are for attractive people, I'm really hoping someone will make a "pretty people problems" gif in the vein of "white tears".

But polar bears have BLACK skin. The hair follicles are actually clear. It's just a reflection of the light.

"To wit: the dismissive attitude and antipathy some women feel towards men are not widespread in the same way, say, misogyny is"

While unfair that you got piled on, generally calling someone promiscuous is seen as an insult and a negative thing to say about them. But I think you know that. I have no problem with people like that, except when they rub it in my face 'cause no fair, but the word still has negative connotations.

My profile pic. It's hard to make out for everyone else, but you should get it.

Just when I thought I could not love him more, between the tales told by Charlie Murphy and Kevin Smith, came Questlove's epic tale. I have been spreading the gospel since summer. They can play "True American: Jehovah's Back" edition.

Feminists hate shame tactics when they are used against us. However we happily use them among ourselves.

Now playing

Nocturne! I remember running it with 15 fps and drooling at the graphics. Good times.