Did someone say Rapture?
Did someone say Rapture?
Is it bad that I recognized it as an andrew christian video right away? (I may have watched it before)
He also had his driver/goon film the public gallery. Intimidation much? Then, stood and yelled back at members of the public. He is so embarrassing. He is giving our awesome city a bad image.
I think all the mocking being done is towards the senior management and not the women.
If they have trouble following the plot to Catching Fire then, absolutely they need to see the doctor. Also, I would assume that she would have been told the basic outline of The Hunger Games plot, so she would have gone in with a general understanding of what the movie was about.
Whatever you do, please post it!
That gif is so disturbing. :(
My mom would stare at me lovingly while saying "I wish you would have listened to me and worn the other outfit I picked out for you." also "Why don't you put on some lipstick?"
I think referring to porn as "whoring yourself out" pretty much negates "I'm all sex positive and all..."
Sam Seaborn for President!
I don't know how "scary" this is but it freaked me out for years.
This sums up my reaction nicely. WHAT THE FUCK?!
They don't have ones not in boxes so you can hold them in your hand? There was a store in Toronto called Lovecraft and they would put batteries in so you could feel the vibration. The ladies there were kinda "Mom"ish right down to the mom jeans.
I love River!! Joni's version or Linda Ronstadt's version. I also listen to this song on the way to my parents at Christmas usually with tears in my eyes.
UGH. Poison and Wine - SO GOOD - too many good songs in this thread to choose the best!!
Adele's "Someone Like You" is amazing. Her performance at the Brit Awards was the first time I heard of her and the song. I got goose bumps and cried for about 1/2 hour.
kd lang is the only other acceptable version. THE ONLY ONE. Wild Horses!! The Stones version for me or The Sundays do a good job too. I agree music is intense and personal. So many great songs and they mean so many different things to different people!
For me pretty much any song that really moves me can bring me to tears. But, songs that I will never listen to at work because the water works start are:
anything by Leonard Cohen is amazing.