No. No. No. That is stuff of nightmares.
No. No. No. That is stuff of nightmares.
These dolls will murder you in your sleep.
Ole Ironsides
One of my favourite field trips in class was going to the sugar bush. It's in the spring, when you tap maple trees to make maple syrup. They would let us tap trees and gather the buckets of sap to pour in the vat to boil up. And we always got to taste fresh, hot maple syrup poured on snow! (I forget what that is…
I love how they are all holding the rope. so cute.
I that were true it would definitely not be cool. I wouldn't want to be in either situation.
I figure if "Megan's" husband basically knows she's with other men and doesn't mind, it's not cheating. To me, the betrayal part of cheating is the lying and deception. If there is an agreement on what's acceptable in a relationship then no one is being deceived.
His teeth are impossibly white - they look like ill-fitting dentures. It is freaking me out! It reminds of Ross on Friends when over does it when whitening his teeth.
I loved my 30s! I loved being 30-something. In your 30s you are old enough and still young enough! Good times. :)
A double YES to the coffee thing.
I'm not sure. Could be? I was thinking maybe hormonal changes? Is it too early for that?
I have only found that there is a "smell" in the last couple of years (as I hit 40). Before that I never really noticed.
We need a POOP POST. Everything we need to know/share. For instance, BEETS (you are not bleeding from your bum) and BLUEBERRIES (eat enough of them and weirdly your poop is green).
LOL! Obviously my friends and I share way too much! We all talked about how we pooped like crazy when we had our periods, we just never knew why. Also, is it true that as you spend time with a group of women, your periods start syncing? This has happened to me at work and with friends at different times. Has it…
I heard the phrase "nature loves variety" once to describe how someone thought people of mixed races where better looking than average. On the other hand, I was also once told (a long, long time ago but still...) that I was a "Mocha Baby".
I am at work, so I could only skim the article. I will read it in depth when I get home. It looks fascinating. This article sounds like it would apply to my family. My father is from Jamaica and his mother is black, very light-skinned and my mother is of British descent. I think my father looks white, most people do…
Good to know! Thanks for the tip. If anyone knows, it would be Burt. :)
That kid at the end just laying there on the cake. Amazing and adorable! I mean why bother lifting your head? You'll only have to lower it back down there for more delicious cake in a few seconds.
Don't feel bad. I am greyed and can't post to GT or anywhere else! I am not on here super often but maybe I would be if I could at least post to GT! :)
After seeing that ad, I would rather live in a van down by the river