
Wow. A voice of reason and moderation. refreshing. I rarely comment on articles about race on this site. Apparently I'm not allowed, being a white middle class woman and all. It really becomes a huge pile-on of anger from everyone involved.

My name usually isn't even rated on baby name sites. It is unusual, which I hated when I was a kid, but love as an adult.

Wouldn't it be worse to have her trotting the kid out all the time. I think if she is pursuing porn, or whatever - I actually know nothing about her, it is probably better that her kids life is kept private.

No "u"s just look wrong!

One thing I have to question is the hyphen. I don't think it is a hyphenated word. Or is misspelt a Canadian thing and mis-spelt British? (usually they are the same)

Me too! I could watch Seinfeld all day every day.

Yes! Agreed 100%. Wanted to post this but couldn't find the words to make it coherent.

Agreed! When it comes down to it I pick the mother's welfare.

"If a pregnant lady is doing heroine, she should stop doing heroine because heroine is bad for you, not because it might harm her baby."

LOL! Watching this thread unfold has provided me plenty of entertainment while I do my laundry! "This might be extreme, ..." - umm, I would say it is a little extreme which is why there was so much blow back - even from people who seem to be pro-choice as well! I think it is possible to be concerned for an unborn

Sounds awesome! And hey - is says that my boyfriend is on the SNL repeat... gotta go! :)

Oh you know... living the rock n' roll lifestyle. Ate a salad then a bunch of chocolate. Argo is on TMN and Ben Affleck is my boyfriend and looks sexy with a beard so...

I love her! My sister and use to listen to her album (I forget what is it was - maybe a greatest hits) with Me and Little Andy and Coat of Many Colours! Also, Jolene is one of the best songs!

I think his statements on women and gays are very contradictory to previous regimes. He is really new in the role of pope so we will have to wait and see if he actually backs up his statements with actions instead of just being placating to try and bring people back.

From all sides really. I find that any posts about the Catholic church usually dissolves into a shit storm of hatefulness from all parties involved.

Cue the haters in 1, 2, ...

But, shouldn't Facebook have a QA system in place to make sure that stuff like this doesn't happen? They could pay a couple of junior people to sit in front of a computer and just do a QA for offensive pics and language. Even if it was random, it would cut down on the mistakes.

I seriously don't know how this could have happened. You have to have been living under a rock in Canada to not recognize her. So, who does the QA for the advertiser AND for Facebook? Come on, surely if you are going to allow someone to advertise on site you have to have some sort of QA to make sure things like this