
I think that it can, and should be assumed that if they are in cabinet it is because they are qualified. The issue with not having women in cabinet has never been because there were no qualified women to choose from. It was because, like in most organisations, they were overlooked because it was a good ol’ boys club

I am definitely being sarcastic.

How can he run for president if he wasn't born in the USA? I mean, with the fuss they made about Obama, surely the right wing conservatives won't want to run a citizen who is not a natural-born American? That wouldn't be right would it?

Choking? Did he go to the Jian Ghomeshi school of dating or did Jian go to his? It's a conundrum.

And a good range of ages!

Also, that says it's a business account, not personal. So... he's also a lying douche.

Yeah... but the 3 months were for a different problem, they just allowed him to serve the 2 days consecutively with his other sentence - non?

This is adorable! She is so cute!!

I guess I'm really just outraged/amazed at the sheer idiocy of it. I'm not from the States and I don't know US laws, so Subway would not be held accountable if there was an outbreak of any kind? There is no recourse for the employee who was made to work until she collapsed? Subway doesn't have to pay her severance?

What about public safety?! She could easily make a whole lot of people sick.

I would love to hear what Hakkasan's PR people have to say about this.

Ugh. Then the manager was either a complete jerk or woefully under trained.

Is there something that identifies the dog as a service dog? I have seen people with service dogs that have a special harness/leash, like for blind people and I have seen people who have no "visible" disability with a dog that wore a little vest that said service dog. If there was something to identify a dog as a

The professor teaches Women and Gender studies, so it is appropriate to her course. It is not about her personal grooming preferences. Did anyone actually click through to the link?

They can try to conceal his identity, but there is no hiding from...

I was ready to fight you, but I have to say... I concur. (I must admit, I have never had a s'more. I like all the ingredients though. Although I am kinda meh on the marshmallow thing)

I know! I work with stock photos all the time and it is hard to find good images of women and families. I love that the collection shows the women in leadership positions in business more realistically and not as the sexy, stern boss lady or the humourless, sour faced "ball-buster".

Sam Seaborn for President! Come on Sorkin, make it happen!

Finally. Hopefully there will be justice for Amanda Todd. Her story is so, so sad.