Host Cars & Coffee in your living room.
Host Cars & Coffee in your living room.
The road to hell is paved with Jalopnik comments…
That very specific car is not a 488, it’s a special edition 1/1 car made for a customer and based on a 458 Speciale. It shares a few traits with the 488, but it’s not a 488.
In the review, he talks about the C5 and it’s gaudy add-ons. Thing is, the C5 is a very clean design and is devoid of gaudy add-ons. So I don’t know what gaudy add-on the reviewer was referring to.
Naw, we all went to Hardees together to celebrate the 1st annual “i hate other people so i live in Wyoming” celebration
“Sir! Our spies have uncovered a crucial piece of information regarding the United States’ new bomber!”
“Excellent. What is it.”
“It’s expensive.”
“Right. We knew that.”
“No, like, really expensive.”
“This is the United States. You are giving me no new information here.”
“Sir, each bomber will cost roughly $6 billion…
3 996 Turbos
When I read John Davis’s name everything I read afterwords is in John Davis’s voice.
Not really seeing it in ALL its glory. Sure would be nice to see more than just the front end.
Not to be the pedantic fuck on the very topic we’re talking about, but the 300SL pictured isn’t a gullwing, as it’s a roadster, and has conventional doors...
Oh my goodness! I own 8 cars. All paid for. Some hobby cars, but buying 10 years old with low miles will give you a 75% discount. Go look up a 2006 Chrysler 300 SRT8.
OUTCOME THREE: Write a letter to a well- semi- sometimes-respected blogger. Outline your concerns. Elicit sympathy. Get him to paint your tragic picture with his word-brush. Let him share it with his focused audience. Step one is complete.
Shouldn’t it be “Cue the Chevette enthusiasts in 30, 29, 28...”
Wusthoff Classic obviously.
Wusthoff Classic obviously.
Minivans owners, when did you “give up?”
I always love this conversation:
But yes, more wagons please!
996. And no, not just because Doug says so :).
The turbo/C4S bumper and facelifted lights do the 996 a lot of favors.
I mean even back in the day it was pretty obvious which was which.