
@Americanitis: I sell AT&T, so take what I say with a grain of salt, but also coming from someone who deals with these phones 50 hours a week.

@terabera: Downloaded it on a suggestion from a co-worker, pretty cool. Couple suggestions (I'm using an iPhone 4, so if these are implemented on another platform ignore it).

@Americanitis: I'd personally rather have an iPhone 4 or Samsung Focus, but if you're set on Android it'll work for you.

@DharmaLab: The WHY is immaterial to the discussion at hand. If you intake less calories than you burn/pass, you will lose weight. Period. End of story.

@bjarnia: You will use, store, or pass. The trick is in getting accurate knowledge of those 3 things, and making sure the first is greater than the second after correcting for the third.

@Ajh: Ah yes, hormones, those magical things that allow your body to circumvent the law of conservation of energy.

@DharmaLab: "We are not a simple diesel engine with a well understood combustion process. "

@Ajh: It is astonishing how your body is able to flaunt the laws of thermodynamics.

@Americanitis: AT&T sells the Captivate, a Galaxy S phone that's pretty much at the top of the Android heap right now. And it has a strong dev community over at XDA.

@Rescue9: Mine did that, and freaked me the HELL out last week.

@njefferson: Only drawback I've found is that Exchange is push sync, while CalDAV is pull. Since I have my pull cycle set to Manual, it doesn't sync the calendar until I open the application and it checks for changes.

Multiple app stores are only needed if one of them is discriminate

@jared9903: I keep my car keys in my left pocket, my phone in my right. Although the glass screens tend to be pretty damn scratch resistant.

@jared9903: And feel like you're touching rubber saran wrap, along with getting nasty on the edges. I have never enjoyed touching a phone with any of those coatings on.

@RizziNUp: There is no doubt and no argument that corporate policy and administration is not 100% dedicated to customer service, satisfaction, and network growth. But it's not like there's 0% investment into it, and from what I've heard directly from some individuals that are pretty high up in AT&T, if it was only a

@RizziNUp: I know that AT&T is throwing money at their network (and I assume Verizon is doing the same) but it's not an overnight fix for several reasons. Hearing what's required from network engineers (there was a great post on HowardForums a few days ago about spectrum and why places like NYC are just fucked)

@midnightz: Wired home broadband is a different animal than wireless, especially considering the size of the US compared to other countries (especially Europe).

@Emperor_was_a_jerk: Because they are for profit companies, not charities. If you don't like the pricing plans, sink a few billion dollars into spectrum purchases and infrastructure and offer service at what you feel is reasonable.

@Graviton1066: You're saying a private, for profit company traded on the stock exchange does not have a right to set plans and prices that it sees as fit and profitable? I can't tell if you're just dense or a troll :/.