
Linky no worky. User could not be created, invalid beta code.

Rip to lossless. Seriously. It's a minor pain, but once it's lossless you can convert to smaller files whenever you'd like. I'd suggest V2 for mobile listening, V0 for non-lossless home listening. Once it's in a lossless format of your choice (wma, FLAC, ALAC), then you're done.

"Obese people with healthy habits"

Jawbone (ERA) if they fit. If Jawbone's don't fit well, they don't sound good. Although you can get after market ear gels made for them. If you wear it a lot, it's a great investment.

LCD screens are, by default, white. They apply power to darken or shade. Brightness is an issue, but not white color.

I have the same experience, StreamToMe works without issue once configured. If you're not comfortable getting into your router settings (which is not hard), then Air Video may be a better choice.

Get out your spice weasel and knock it up a notch!

RSAF: 20k personnel, with the F-15 as the primary fighter.

All the better to fight trolls and hobbits with ;)

You have freakishly large hands if you can interact with a a 7" GalTab with one hand.

Do me a favor. Hold the phone in one hand so your pinky is wrapped around the bottom corner. Then reach the opposite corner with your thumb, without juggling it around your hand to do it. I wear large size gloves, and can't comfortably access all points on a 4.3" screen with a one-handed grip.

Doesn't work as well with a music library that's several times the size of the storage on your device. I personally would hate having to dig through pages of nested folders to find a specific song or a few from an album. I'd much rather have playlists and have them sync with a few button presses. I want iTunes to

Smart people trained in rational thinking make smart rational choices regarding their children. More at 11.

And you can remove them later by paying the $30 if they bother you! It really is a good deal all around, and Amazon is a company I don't mind supporting.

Is there any reason not to use both OnyX and TinkerTool together? TT for when you need quick and easy, and Onyx when you need the power user functionality?

Are there any Google apps that are really high quality on the iPhone? The GV app is poorly made, the search app looks like a re-wrapped Android app. There doesn't seem to be any pride in quality from the Google team making iPhone apps.

I use Sleep Cycle and ShakeN'Wake both to get me up. SC to get me awake, and SNW to get me out of bed if I doze too long. Really want one of those new Jawbone wristbands, since they do a vibrate thing to wake you up when you're at the appropriate point in your REM cycle.

I just don't have any icons. Easiest way to keep it clean ;).

Why can't anyone make a phone with great specs around a 4" screen? I don't like the size of the 4.3", and really prefer the pixel density that you get putting the qHD (or 720!) onto a smaller panel. Makes it a lot more usable in a one-handed environment, and it's plenty big enough for media.

Thiiiiiiiiiiiis. I understand that there might be some limitation regarding SMS transfer, but it's unacceptable for the iMessage service to not sync across my devices. The new Facebook messenger app does, why can't Apple, the king of "it just works" make this happen?