
where in this article did laura say adults should help children set the goal of becoming fat?

do you even go here?

this is an article about children. "obese" is a medical term. are you suggesting children should be taught to diagnose one another as obese?

try going the other direction and sticking the whole damn thing in the freezer overnight. once the wax is frozen super hard, it should flake off rather easily. if it won't fit in your freezer, rub the waxy parts with ice cubes and see if that helps.

not at all pregnant and i'm wearing liz lang full coverage maternity leggings RIGHT MEOW.

do you even go here?


epidural doesn't have to be a total roadblock - with enough support (and a mom who is calm enough) she can stay in position even without sensation below the waist. the big trouble comes with electronic fetal monitoring. the maneuver requires quite a bit of movement and can disrupt monitors. the doctor or midwife

lady gets it in both shins. gawd.

the first course of action in cases of shoulder dystocia is now the gaskin maneuver, which involves turning mom onto her hands and knees (changes pelvic dimensions, sometimes dramatically) and guiding the shoulders out from that position. ina may gaskin, hippie midwife extraordinaire, learned it from village midwives

i want to punch your nasty midwife in the shin.

more from ms. lemieux, please and fank you. particularly for this sketch of the inevitable denoument of this (and most) conversations about the intersection of music and behavior:

the most nuanced argument in favor of choice i have ever read. thank you for sharing this important piece of writing.

this, apparently, is incest face.

i wondered about moisture or some kind of soiling agent infiltrating the paper labels and/or label adhesive on any of the bottles and creating the smell. knowing what sort of smell it was would be helpful in finding a cure. is it sour? sickly-sweet? mildew-y? sort of poop-ish? perhaps removing the labels with

i liked the sassy one better.

ugh, this is gross and sad. i am not a joe jonas fan, but ms. eggenschweiler (EGGENSCHWEILER?!)'s behavior borders on (or just is) criminal.

i don't know about that, but i do know that in order to work in a management capacity at any of their stores (and i assume in their corporate structure) you have to be willing to participate in the Landmark Forum. thankfully that information was fully disclosed at the job interview for a sales positions so i could

seriously. this is the dumbest thing on planet dumb.

honestly, i'm even more exhausted today than i was yesterday. burial sounds divine.