
ugh. prosperity theology. prayer of jabez, windows of heaven, etc. it's more of christians cherry picking bits of the old testament that suit them and co-opting them for post-resurrection use. last time i checked, christ commanded his followers (and fyi, i'm one of them!) to abandon all we have and follow him,

hear hear. cigarette smoking and tanning and basically the only things i could see actually forbidding my kid from doing. everything else could be discussed (and discussed and discussed...they're kids we're talking about). but with smoking and tanning there is just no excuse.

yeah, that is a big effing lie.

while i must agree that an article about the invisibility of trans*women is a less-than-ideal place to bring up this question, my answer would be that in my experience, my trans*men friends get clocked a lot less than my trans*women friends. i don't know if that's true on a larger scale.

not as much as i hate myself, don't even worry about it.

say what you will about the LDS church (and really, say it...there is much to be said) but i can personally attest to the real sincere desire for change of a growing number of members with regards to the church's stance on homosexuality, and particularly the church's involvement in political matters. i haven't

yep. they'd be all..."omg, one time, i had a sad, and i just went to a spin class and did some affirmations and then everything was FINE!"

and, for what it's worth, the pronouncements aren't going to stop even as the religion ages. continuing revelation is a basic cornerstone of the faith. i think it's pretty great, myself.

one thing that was guaranteed to make me feel worse while in the middle of a major depressive episode (aside from, you know, everything) was someone suggesting, "have you tried getting some excercise?" it was usually from some skinny, be-lulu-lemon-ed gal pal of mine who i'm sure thought she was being helpful rather

thanks for the tip!

oh must i be the one to piss on the cuteness parade? giving citrus to children before age 2 increases allergy risks. i'm not saying it's gonna kill anybody but, as cute as it is, it's not the safest game on the block.

how many shades of grey?

i agree. i get very turned off watching the gaggy-choke-y BJ scenes that are so prevalent in mainstream porn these days. that's why my preference is either amateur porn, or porn that's produced by women, because it's usually about showing actual pleasure on screen, which (for whatever reason) isn't trendy in

oh i could not agree more. it's that idea that there isn't a problem, until there's a problem. i come from a community where porn (and sexuality in general) are pretty taboo, and generally innocent, innocuous behavior gets pathologized and rounded up to the big scary monster of addiction. then you have people

maybe you could write "mentally healthy bitch" to help all those eating disordered people just get it together and be normal already!!! oh, wait.

i guess i'm just glad this franchise has been relegated to fiction, where it belongs.

so...ok. we ask ladies how much porn their boyfriends watch. all the ladies who say their boyfriends watch "too much porn" are sad sad pandas, and so we conclude that boyfriends who usually don't watch porn make their ladies happy happy monkeys. except that the sample size is 308 women in mostly short-term (with no

i'd be very interested to know what the effects are of pissing cialis and viagra into the water system? if it hasn't been studied, please pardon me while i catch the vapors from shock. i'm not saying that EE2 pollution isn't real, but i just don't believe for one second that tim worstall gives two fucks about

"to insist that we need swimming is an overextension of privilege"