I never thought the day would come where I’d openly wish for enough faithless electors to band together to make Kasich the reasonable, sane option for president.
I was told he wanted Papí? I dunno, not my family.
I know of two families in our preschool who refer to the father as papa. One father is a recent transplant from Latin America and his wife objected to Papí, so this was the compromise. The other family is hipster scum, and they are Papa and Mimi, because, as said mimi described it, they don’t live in an John Hughes…
Yeah, my husband’s awesome fitness is going to hold off his chronic disease to a small extent, but it’s not going to cure him. And thanks to your buddies in congress, he will lose his health coverage. So, y’know, maybe he’ll be able to survive ten years, or maybe I’ll get to experience widowhood with a small child!…
I was fired, in part, for being too friendly with clients. That was fun. “You’re too friendly, and then clients come to depend on you.”
Did I have Formation playing on my headphones when I voted last week? Why yes, yes I did.
Right? I voted on Monday and nobody tried anything. Just a lot of people standing in line, wanting to get it over with.
Yeah, you probably get a lot more leeway because you’re the dad. I’ve been scolded for putting my child into an unsafe vehicle — a fuckin’ late model Mazda 3 — because it’s too small and it’s too dangerous and I should only be carting her around in a minivan or an SUV, because those are ~*safe*~. Meanwhile, he throws…
The plan is to walk Kid Electron to school every day when she starts kindergarten next year, with the fondest hope that she might, might, be able to do the half mile walk alone when she’s in the fifth grade.
You can’t win, either! Mr. Atom’s a hands-on dad and has gotten all sorts of flack for being too attentive, and too quick to play, and it’s weird how he takes personal days to be a parent volunteer for preschool field trips and it’s weird that he attends his daughter’s parties, because fathers shouldn’t be active in…
I hover because I don’t want some judgmental asshole deciding I’m “neglectful” and calling the cops. It’d be a waste of resources on an already taxed system, bro.
Kid Electron loves him because he’ll hoist her around and she can touch ceilings.
I’m 5'2", so not insanely insanely short, but it’s amplified when I’m hanging out with my 6'7" BFF.
I have short arms, short legs, and a short torso. It works. Did I mention I’m short?
I had a small stroke-like event about 18 months ago. It left me with some neuropathy in my back muscles, so activating them is a challenge. I have to do a huge ass lat/row/pull-up day ahead of time so I have enough ache in my back to know I have everything in line. But I’ll get there.
Thank you. It’s not nearly as impressive as my squat. 335 lbs and climbing. :D
It also comes down to genetics. I’m a cis woman, my testosterone was pegged at 70 ng/dL in June, and I am descendant of good, strong peasant stock. I’m not a delicate slip of a woman, but I’ve got a bench that’s my bodyweight plus 30. My squat is 150 pounds heavier than Mr. Atom’s, who is built like a fasting…