Can we collaborate? BECAUSE I HAVE THOUGHTS, YO.
Can we collaborate? BECAUSE I HAVE THOUGHTS, YO.
HAH! I knew it! Thanks!
OK, this is the biggest question: Connie's scarf looks like a handknit crescent, so tell me, what's the pattern? Is it a Stephen West? A Veera Välimaki? TELL ME. I MUST KNOW.
Land’s End is to my late 30s what Old Navy was to my early 20s, and I’m OK with that.
Or as the horrid woman-child at my last job phrased it, "it's like she's rubbing it in our faces that someone actually degraded himself to bang her without a condom."
I’m a Burqueña down to the marrow in my bones, and we’ve chosen to settle here for the time being. This town has Capital-P Problems, but it’s home, y’know? However, when the cops shoot another guy, or another toddler dies from abuse at UNMH, I think it’s time to get the fuck out of here. I just don’t know where we’d…
NEGL, when my parents still lived down there, I'd always have that ready to go for when I crossed the county line.
I get by on a combination of a death stare and “how amusing for you/bless your heart/I’ll certainly take that under consideration/well, this works for that/DID I ASK YOU?!”
My husband built his schedule around coming home to be with us, and optimizing his work hours so he didn’t miss out on our daughter’s infancy and early childhood. His old boss was for it and had a similar work schedule so he could spend time with his daughter. It was great. And then they had a departmental shakedown,…
My dream is a well-tailored thinsulate-lined wool overcoat.
Honestly, I don't know a single local makeup artist who wouldn't have done a complete brow fill on her. Errrrrrrrrybody has filled in brows here.
Never in the history of ever has there ever been a more Santa Fe makeover. So understated. So heavy on the bronzer.
Oh, yeah. I backed this yesterday.
I'll give Mr. Atom a pass as he was just as sleep deprived.
The woman who was desperately hoping that nursing would knock me down from a size 16 to a size 0, so her precious baby boy would finally be attached to a conventionally attractive woman and not, y'know, the substantial smartass he married. Joke was on her; I fell into the class of women who gain weight while nursing.…
Oh, postpartum depression, how you robbed me of my dignity.
When I was knocked up with Kid Electron, I wanted tuna sandwiches, sushi, tater tots, and vanilla frozen yogurt. This is also her unwavering list of acceptable foods.
She's already trying to build a particle smasher in her bedroom. She's awesome.
Same. I actually ran into the First Big Love at lunch yesterday, while I had my husband and daughter in tow. It was awkward. He desperately wanted to catch up, and I desperately wanted to get food into Kid Electron before she had a hangry meltdown, and Mr. Atom kept looking at him like, weren't you the creep who broke…