
Yeah, a lot of Hannah’s shows seem to be awkward laughing as opposed to an audience really enjoying it. I’m not sure how they managed to get so popular?

I used to feel kind of... guilty? for not liking Gadsby’s comedy but this article and the ones linked in remind me that they’re just... there.

I dunno. There was a time in my life where I was working 3 part-time jobs, 7 days a week, and one of them started at 5am. I specifically arranged my birthday celebration that year to be later in the evening so I could go home and take a nap after work. The guy I was seeing at the time INSISTED that he meet me after

Seriously. I don’t think anyone in my friend group(s) has ever called anyone else “sweet” and if one of us said “you’ve never been sweet” we’d just... not notice it? Caitlin needs a hug.

I know a person who grew up next door to the Barrymores and used to babysit Drew. She has multiple stories about how batshit crazy her mom was in every aspect of life. It seems like people right now are going back-and-forth on whether to love her or hate her, but Drew Barrymore has survived some shit and came out

Huh? No one is fucking their cousin in this story...

Yeah, the closest I could find is that Lane’s first cousin spoke out about it being an untruthful claim. Nothing about Lauren’s mom having sex with her first cousin. TommyG up there seems to have browsed an article and put a story together in their own head. A dangerous thing to do no matter what your political

The two women celebs that come to mind as having aged amazingly are Jennifer Aniston and Cameron Diaz—neither of whom (seem to) espouse crazy diet rules.

I’m so torn on this. I totally get why someone just starting out in that world would be hesitant to come forward, but once you reach a certain level of fame and $$$ I do think you should use that agency. Some people are REALLY litigious though, so the idea of potentially losing everything you’ve worked for would

I was gonna say the same! I’m 36 and this guy looks worse than my father who is 30 years older than me and doesn’t have the money and resources Van Der Beek has to stay looking healthy/young.

I think his nose got bigger and it makes his head look smaller?

Being in Scientology while you’re in jail. There’s no one around to audit you to check if you’re a good person :(

One helps you write a book, the other helps you bore everyone to death by talking about the book you’re GOING to write.

I was once at a polo match (not a fancy one—think more, like, tailgating in a field) where they played the national anthem before the match. A friend and I were walking to the bathrooms while it played and got actively boo’d for not standing at attention for it. Like... this is the least American sport ever, guys.

Even more gross—it’s also so they can wash the feet of their husbands in heaven...

I genuinely didn’t know that’s what bachelor meant! I guess the term “life long bachelor” confused me into thinking there were different kinds of bachelors and I just thought it meant a single, currently unmarried, man.

I once had a friend who told me that girls with “baby voices” had likely been abused at a young age and got “stuck” there.  At the time I thought it was so dumb and false, but the older I get...

FYI, it’s Auckland, not Aukland. Not that difficult to know how to spell the name of a major city, babe.

Whatever happened to the one with the unaborted daughter?  At least she had a charming backstory.

Letting a woman apply makeup to your face isn’t gay, but blending it IS, obviously.