At least we can still come here to share comments/chat. Which is honestly most of the reason why I was still reading Jez after all these years :/
At least we can still come here to share comments/chat. Which is honestly most of the reason why I was still reading Jez after all these years :/
Yeah, I was trying to do the math on this one because I think I was 16/17 when the original came out and I remember my older friends liking it, too? So that puts them around 40 now? Not that weird to have a teenage kid by that age.
Even worse than that—at least with a driver’s license you KNOW when it’s expiring and don’t have to be contacted by a non-governmental group to let you know. Fucking Christ.
It’s extra funny because Rich tries to be snarky about it... but doesn’t know how to write.
I went to college in Olympia and oof, you are 100% right, maybe even 5 minutes and within city limits tbh. But yay for a shoutout to America’s probably most forgotten about state capitol city!
I generally consider trigger warnings sometimes go too far, but oof.
Thank you! I made the same comment months ago and got chewed out by a bunch of people arguing that since abortion is a medical procedure we should use the term and a bunch of other reasons.
Kathy Griffin, whether you love her or hate her, has a great bit about hanging out at Cher’s house and suggests they order pizza and Cher just has no concept of how to do it.
This commenter isn’t homeless, so they obviously knew what what was best!
Yeah, I don’t know when an intervention becomes a kidnap? If you had the resources to rescue/kidnap a kid from a bad situation wouldn’t you do it? I know you can take a horse to water etc etc, but if I thought my kid was heading back into a bad place I’d probably force them into rehab, too.
I have a friend who redid their kitchen recently and went with quartz, too. She is ABSOLUTELY convinced that it’s like a delicate newborn and requires special cleaning solutions and even its own dedicated cloth to be wiped down with or it will instantly end up with pockmarks the size of a fist. I don’t know how to…
But they were rich and famous at the time so it’s okay judge them! It’s not like they were two ACTUAL teenagers who were scared and didn’t know what to do. Money and fame buys you wisdom, right?
I just really want to be sure that my nephew’s baseball game is at the top of his list, though. Omnipotents schmomnipotents!
I say this genuinely, without sarcasm: Thank you for telling me about someone I’d never heard of before and sending me into a google hole to learn about them! Fucking Puritans.
I get what you’re saying but let’s not forget how crazy intensely these two were being watched at the time. All it would have taken would be one person out of either of their “teams” to leak something to have it explode. And, like you say, they were basically kids, but the fall out would have been much worse than…
I think it becomes an issue when you base your personality, or rather “brand” on how successful your marriage is and fashion yourself into some kind of authentic relationship advice guru. They’ve been acting holier-than-thou with regard to how they “worked through” shit in their marriage for years when it turns out,…
It wasn’t really a question... More of a lamentation.
Dude sounds fucking unhinged...