
Bathroom doors are not magic. The can’t stop someone who commits a crime from going through them. It was illegal to assault and harass people in the bathroom before. It still is. HB2 provides no direction on how law enforcement is to enforce this law or how to prosecute it. What will happen is ignorant people will

I work at Quantico and this was my first thought as well. Either that or some sort of accident on base. When it lasted longer than a few seconds we were surprised to figure out that it was an earthquake.

I think that the reasoning behing taking federal funding from teh school system is because they specifically cite how HB2 violates title IX. If states don’t comply with Title IX they lose funding they receive for education. It wasn’t a pick and choose which funds to take away sort of situation.

I think one of the artists is a woman, but that the writers are male. They are all parents however...

Now this, of course, is nowhere near the shining diagnosis released by Donald Trump’s doctor in December, who proclaimed that, “If elected, Mr. Trump, I can state unequivocally, will be the healthiest individual elected to the presidency.”

The cop from #1 smoked your weed.

Season Two should only be watched in marathon or binge watching sessions. I think the problem most people had with it when it aired was that they would wait all week and get little to no action per episode. But when you cut through it all in one go you get to appreciate what they were doing with characters.

100% Piss Christ was the very first thing I thought of.

After the shooting in Charleston it was noticed that at the SC Capital building the state and US flags were at half mast while the Confederate flag that flies on the grounds (not on the capital building, but close by at a Civil War memorial site) was not lowered at the same day. This re-sparked a debate about whether

I get this alot with one of my sisters. She is adopted and with Korean heritage and I’m a gingery white person. Yet without fail, someone meeting the two us together for the first time feels the need to say that we look alike. It’s weird as fuck. I think they notice that we look different, they can’t compute how it

At least they’re not giving the Alaskan judge a lifetime achievement award like they’re considering for the Montana judge.

My MIL if Filipino and that is exactly how she thinks. :-/

Dan Rydell in Sports Night is supposed to be a semi-fictionalized version of Keith Olbermann when he was on SportsCenter.

Ugh. If you like silent people so much why can't you go and be one.

Yeah I had to google to be sure as well. I could see it maybe being her from that photo too.

Peyton List was in plaid at this premier though, they definitely mislabeled Natalie Dormer