Denton's cum-encrusted asshole

That’s right, fuck Marvel and their fucking movies. Fuck their shitty model where I can’t spend my god-damned money on shit that I care about. Fuck these bitches.

Was it his "going to Church" gun?

Someone might agree from beyond the grave, but I don't think so

You know to who else Chinese food on Christmas is no longer a Jewish tradition? The Chinese.

Spider Stories follows the tale of Princess Zahara who is thrown into hiding after the royal family is overthrown

Thanks, Cunty!

Good to know that you're only in it to get out of the greys.

Do you hand-carry all your books through, or put them in the tray? That would be a red flag.

Re: the hairbrush, probably the indication of a metal object with the crazy shape of a needle point going through the x-ray?

The metal of the blade probably gave it away.

So, a book about incest and a brother raping a sister (and the same sister allowing it to happen) is given the official okey-dokey?

Now playing

Still, $2,080 is $2,080. For a good cause. I didn't see any of the women under any duress. None of them seemed intoxicated. It was done in public areas. I can assume that each woman there (at the beach, at the club) was in the company of another person (friend, family or significant other). People, both male and

What, Brother Voodoo wasn't available for licensing?