
Call me old, but this whole NFT thing sounds so stupid. It sound even more volatile than cryptocurrency. Not to mention, people are making this stupid tokens of other people’s work without their permission. In this case, yes, someone offered to buy it, but there are numerous artists on Twitter who have have their art

I am sleeping alone anyway tonight, so here is a nugget from my early days on the internet:

hope to become unimaginably rich with the same degree of non-effort” no, they are risking their investment. they might not be churning ice-cream or installing toilets, but they are - like any other financial investor, including anyone with savings - risking cash in the hope of having made the right decision. come on,

It’s fun. 

Larry’s a cat? And he’s a “very good boy”?

I guess in a sense money is also just tokens representing some gold somewhere

It theoretically has many uses, but is predominantly deployed to convert raw computational power into semi-imaginary internet money (like bitcoin and ether)

One caveat to this, at least those collector coins can be melted down and sold for scrap metal. That's more than can be said for these things. 

It’s gonna be a weird day when they realize all of their assets evaporate when the power goes out. 

If I understand this stuff well enough to boil it down to metaphor, and I really don’t, but I am gonna do it anyway, it’s not really that you own “the tweet” as much as you own this “one-of-a-kind memoribilia token commemorating the tweet Signed by Tom”.

This post has a Dog (Gawker) feel. There’s a lot of stuff happening within nature. Which is kinda neat.

I am of the mind that not all suicides need to be prevented. Especially if the person removing themselves from the gene pool is childless.

Digital Beanie Babies?

I have moments where I think ”should I learn more about this stuff?

NFT traders will be a nice appetizer when we finally eat the rich. 

I’m going to just sit here and wait for the inevitable article about someone committing suicide because they spent all their money on these things and then came to the realization that they literally have no real value. It's going to be an interesting mix of sadness for them and a response of "Well no shit."

He’s a exploitative piece of shit.

We don’t even need him being a dick to Shelley Duvall to prompt that response.

Fuck Dr. Phil