
Hafþór Júlíus Björnsson is 419 pounds, and has a ripped stomach when he moves. He’s such a freak of nature.

*groan* ...this thread will be flooded with puns now.

There are plenty of unique luxury platforms that are not shared with a company’s cheaper brands, but for the models that do use platform sharing, even though they really do improve the luxury branded version a lot, I can’t shake the notion that the car that started life as a luxury car in the first place is better

You’d easily have enough time to say that out loud before the turbos spool up.

Holy shit! That turbo’d Kawasaki ZX-14 is INSANE! I cannot even imagine what that level of acceleration feels like. Wow.

I’m surprised you haven’t heard of the 1%. They’ve been in the news.

You came out of the wrong vagina. It’s okay. It happens to 99% of us.

Oh yeah, the truck is absolutely at fault here. I wasn’t trying to imply otherwise.

I’m betting the truck was sitting behind the guy in the car with the effeminate voice. Truck guy got annoyed with the big gap, and pulled into the turn lane to illegally use it to go around effeminate voice guy to move into the annoyingly giant space. When the driver with the effeminate voice saw the maneuver, he

Nope, but it’s fun to keep perpetuating!

Maybe not this specific model (it just happens to be mine), but I’d say most anything with 2 wheels:

Fun video with impressive riding (the trials bike going up the building onto the roof was dope!), but damn is that vocal track cringeworthy. At just over 2 minutes, it’s not like it was a waste of time. :)

I’m assuming he meant Ducati Scrambler.

Yes, Maine Coons get big. Here is mine. He spends most of his time on his back.

Commuting on 2 wheels is the best thing I’ve ever done for my situational awareness (which was already pretty decent).

Sometimes it’s best to let others do your dirty work. :)

Nope... TINY kitten. Look how little it is in her helmet!

She seems like an all around awesome human.

I’m guessing nobody else even noticed. She didn’t even notice the cat for about 30 seconds, and that was because she was stopped.

Open the image in Photshop. Go to the menu Image > Adjustments > Shatdows/Highlights, and then crank up the Shadows. Other image manipulation software has similar functionality. It’s super helpful when doing photo investigation.