Another FBI Investigation

Yeah and it wasn’t the fencing team so who cares?

Must be lonely up in that tower.

“There’s no guarantee of due process or legal counsel, sure, but don’t call it a kangaroo court.”

You just know that the Blackhawks are next. Outrage is fuel for some people and no amount of concessions will change that. If I were them I’d make the grin bigger and more cartoonish.

I love this. “Someone disagrees with me, possibly loudly, so they are by that act asking for authorities to section of public spaces where only certain agreeable people are allowed.”

That must be in Charleston or Savannah because northerners freed the slaves and love black peeps.

Can you name a city that isn’t racist? JFC deadspin liberals only know one song, but I’ll be damned if you don’t play it over and over.

I don’t understand, Chicago has two teams and all these people were around when the White Socks won in 2005.

No I don’t remember that incredibly insignificant thing happening, but thanks for bringing it up!

Ah I see, at first read I thought you were being critical of that motivation.

I don’t see why people are having trouble with this. We live in a country of 300 million plus, and one racist, murdering shitbag has some odd internal logic. If this actually confuses you then you are also an idiot.

The clocks don’t move back til this weekend, the reason you think it’s dark outside is because your head is firmly up your own ass.

Well it isn’t the place of police officers to enforce nice thoughts, but being pragmatic about preventing violence seems reasonable.

“I came to the comments for the hysteria and pants-wetting.”

Against which of the Indians pitchers?

Let’s be honest, o/u on number of total innings of this series he has watched is like 4.

Well likely you also need Clemson and Michigan to win out as well for this to become an issue.

I understand why they do them, it’s why anyone gives a shit that is confusing.

Too bad they don’t make bandaids for feelings...or your brain.

Because it more favorably supports this story and the narrative that he is treated unfairly.