Also the use of “accepted roughing penalties” rather than just roughing penalties is transparent skewing. God, people are such fucking liars and others are too stupid to see it.
Also the use of “accepted roughing penalties” rather than just roughing penalties is transparent skewing. God, people are such fucking liars and others are too stupid to see it.
“But Matt Bowen of ESPN called bullshit on that: In a piece published this morning, Bowen compared hits on Newton the last two years that weren’t flagged to similar hits on other QBs that did draw a penalty, including some from the beating Newton’s brain tookback in this year’s opener.”
I mean, if my friend has a guest room and hotels are $200-300 /night or nowhere nearby, I’m ok with staying with them. Generally agree otherwise though.
By the time I was 30, I had enough money to get a hotel, so unless it was pretty exceptional circumstances or the person had an actual guest room, I wasn’t interested in crashing on a couch and having a bad night of sleep and sore back.
Because that isn’t what obstruction of justice is you babbling fool.
Same “editors” and “writers” so no I’m going to keep dancing on Gawker’s grave.
My first assumption would be that race at least likely played a role in it. But if you flipped the script here the Gawker folks would never admit it was racist at any level (though to be fair they’d also never run the story).
Yep, which is why even though I’m not voting for Trump, I voted straight GOP down ticket.
It is incredibly easy to draw the line of the assholes who should be violently murdered and have their resources redistributed right above one’s level of wealth or income, and then actually do nothing yourself to help anyone, because reasons. I’d guess that HamNo and most people like him are very comfortable with this…
Thank you for this very important investigative journalism. And these pictures serve a great purpose and you should totally feel great about publishing them.
The false equivalency of comparing a rogue lunatic who commits voter fraud to a Clinton operative that likely breaks several election laws? You are right, but not for the reason you think.
Yeah, but you have to be deep in the Kool Aid if you believe either that either party doesn’t have a few people willing to break the rules/laws or that those people will determine the outcome of the election.
When I was younger a buddy and me were both into the same girl. Well, he found out that I had gone skiing with her and he was pissed. So that night when I was getting ready to go meet up with her, he offered me a cup of coffee that he’d dumped a bunch of laxatives in. When I got to her house I was lucky to get to the…
national socialist, you got it!
Aren’t you the best little jackboot fascist.
Let me contribute. You are a cunt.
That’s a lot of patting yourself on the back.
Whenever I meet someone I don’t like I tell them how much I loved living in Boston.
What happened to you that now you seek validation as some savior to people that I promise don’t want your help? Go out and actually do something, your manufactured outrage isn’t changing the world.
Nah dude, plenty of Natives like the term Indian and most don’t see it as a slur. Your experience, if you even have any, isn’t representative of an entire group. Take a seat, you can even do it Indian style.