
“...Should you ever find yourself in a vehicle beached on the tracks and you have enough time to get to safety, look for a blue sign containing an Emergency Notification System phone number affixed to one of the posts. Snap a picture of it if you can, as that number will connect you with a train dispatcher — then get

Or maybe, like, don’t fly at all, because we’re still in a pandemic and infection numbers are worse now than they were LAST Thanksgiving. That’s a way to avoid it all.

The subtitles are SO key. The older I get, the more the music and sound fx in movies impairs my ability to understand dialogue. Or maybe they’re just getting louder and making me think it’s my ears, because I can certainly understand people talking in real life.

I’m not against home viewing at all, but what’s great about going to the cinema is that it forces you to close off from the distractions of the world and focus entirely on the film.

No the athletes should not have been allowed to participate without proof of vaccination.

Because in Australia the government has made the vaccine roll out into a shitshow circus and almost no one can get vaccinated.

And these athletes didn’t get vaccinated ahead of the games because ...?

Seriously, this headline needs to die in an electrical fire. Who okayed this?

We have a good candidate for worst Gizmodo headline of the year.

The point is you shouldn’t have to replace an entire $16k battery because a plastic nipple for a low pressure cooling system was cracked. This should be a $1 part that can easily be replaced on said battery pack. 

It’s one thing for a landlord to evict a paying tenant simply to relist the property on AirBnB at a higher price. It is another thing entirely to evict a tenant who hasn’t paid rent in several months and isn’t likely to be able to pay for it in the future. It is incumbent on the social safety net to care for such

These type of articles always assume landlords are all super rich, or corporate real estate companies. There a many landlords who are middle class, who have to pay mortgage and property tax and maintenance fees. Eviction bans, while perhaps the best course of action to prevent even higher rates of homelessness have

Oh man, you didn’t check in to see how this insane stretch of a nothing-burger was getting roasted over at The Root? Cause it’s getting no traction there, and it feels like their readership should know.

“At that age [19], teenagers are mature enough to know what they’re being part of.”

Not sure about not picking up the feet, but the danger is this. In high voltage cases, 5000-10,000V, at some distance from the contact point the ground will be at, literally, ground potential (0V) In between that spot and the place where the wire is touching the voltage is dropping off.

Now playing

Yeah I think the best thing would have been for her to slowly back the car up away from the live wires. And if that or staying in the car is not possible, there is a 3rd option shown in this video:

If you don’t understand the need (and desire) for a media outlet to be competent and accurate, you’re the git.

You are wrong. Simply and categorically wrong.

Take it up with the Orlando Sentinel, where they got this quote from: