
Oh, rats. I thought this article was about identifying female perps in a criminal line up!

Actually, this is a traffic simulation from the game Cities Skylines (think SimCity). TMPE and NeXT are traffic mods to add more control to traffic flow in the game.

This is the ideal intersection. You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like.

If you mean cheering one on, I’m in.

I’m kind of surprised they rate Japanese as bring as difficult to learn as Chinese. In my experience, Japanese is significantly easier to learn for an English speaker. Mandarin has sounds which are difficult for English ears to differentiate and English tongues to pronounce. Plus there’s all the tonal variability.

I’m a long time Chicago resident, and although I’ve ridden on similar services (e.g. Heathrow Express) in other cities, I really don’t see the market in Chicago: You have the Blue Line which goes downtown in 40 minutes (I think it’s closer to an hour if you take the Piccadilly line), and, of course, cabs/Uber are an

Fuck Trump.

This might be a little annoying to get used to, but it’s probably for the best. Holding your smartphone too close to your face can cause eye strain and even headaches, according to one study. So in this case, maybe Apple does know best.

I think it lessens the incentive for people to apologize for and make up for past mistakes if people refuse to give them even the slightest bit of credit for doing so.

I know it won’t matter to most people, but this is a really good statement and exactly how these things should be done.

Female mammoth: Come over.

Because they refused to stop and ask for directions?

It didn’t seem transphobic to me. I took it as “We don’t care what designation you received at birth, use the bathroom that corresponds to the gender you identify as.”

He’s been accused(by me) of not really deserving the Oscar for The Revenant, but actually deserved it for What’s eating Gilbert Grape all those years ago. And also not marrying Kate Winslet when when he had the chance, cause their love for each other is undeniable.

“But we should be devoting our resources and focus on bigger threats.”

They drained the swamp —then filled it with bullshit.

Oh come on. Seriously why are we even going through the motions of extending the benefit of the doubt? If it looks like shit and smells like shit for god’s sake you don’t need to taste it.

Where’s the sponcon hashtag?

Well, that's one way to tailgate

Not to be all "Emperor's New Clothes" about this, but... I don't get it. This top didn't appear to be any more 'ghostly' or disappearing than spinning a jack.