
North-up changes orientation. I just want to know where north is, not to be pointing to it. Especially useful when riding a motorcycle and you care about general location. 

All I want is for the north indicator to show all the time.

Could you please list sizes? wife has small wrist, feels most of them are oversized for her. How about a separate post: smartwatches that don’t look like  a wall clock?

Most of the look of the bike is defined by tank and fenders, and I’d love if Indian offered options - pick a valanced/bobbed fender or add the lighted headdress. Classic or scout style tank. Hard or soft bags. Keep the framework but have flexible styles. Still waiting on the powerplus springfield model.

And talk to the maker directly about the dealership. Some have lost their credentials for less.

When you finally get it, please write about the whole experience, with final cost breakdown, paperwork required, etc. 

It’s in the same binder as the health reform.

Not sure about a back protector there, but it would probably fit a water bladder.

I think they are just duplicate identical ports, one for each thruster, so connectors would still be the same - HDMI 1/2, etc. Need some way of testing which one is connected - make them wiggle.

Depending on the state, you pay taxes on the monthly payment, the vehicle price, or the full lease cost - down payment may be taxed upfront depending on the case it seems:

What about taxes due ? Most states charge that upfront, which would mean every time you replace the vehicle? Would work better in those states that charge it along with lease payments.

Oh, it’s time for an oil change, and a carwash... Nah. just order a new one.

My main reason for using good reads isn’t reviews/recommendations, but being able to automatically record what i’m reading on my kindle, without having to open goodreads separately.

‘manufactured housing’ as opposed to naturally growing organic ones?

I think HD’s biggest problem is their own past success. HD loyalists don’t like innovation - they didn’t even think the V-Rod was a proper HD. New riders need more affordable bikes, and many don’t want to be associated with the typical HD rider - the ones who talk trash about millenials all the time, ‘gut their cats’

It's pronounced Quashan (go ahead, think...)

Need to plant it on the mexican side so it holds up the fence when it tips over with the wind...

So it’s the movie about the monster who works out... Has a six-pack... Abdominal? I’ll let myself out...

Oh, it’s that movie about the monster who works out...

Wondering if these are ‘organic’...