
Yep - all it takes is someone to drop their bag/backpack on the floor at your house while they crawl out. They also move very fast, but mostly when they notice you are asleep.

And I thought it meant you wouldn’t turn into ketchup in an accident... 

Actually, I checked my total purchase history on stubs for the past 12 months, and it’s pretty close. A 3D ticket is around 15, so if you watch 2 movies per month you’re already saving money. Side-effect: wife said now she can go watch the movies she likes... I used to tell her to wait and watch them on cable later,

I just signed up, had to do my wife’s separately, emailed their support asking exactly about that. They should add ‘multipliers’ to the subscription, so we could order the 2 tickets at the same time. Let’s see how well/fast they respond to customer concerns.

“Don’t wrestle with a pig. You both get dirty, and the pig likes it.”

They are investing in an electic motorcycle company, BUT I don’t think their demographics will help them sell any of those. The typical HD biker doesn’t want electric, and the young kids don’t want to be perceived as an old-HD biker either. We’ll see.

Here’s an idea for all these platforms: If an account is considered of ‘public interest’, and as such is exempt from following rules that would ban common users, then such account should also NOT be allowed to block anyone one from commenting against it.

Well, he is inneficient... Now miserable as well.

Please tell me you aren’t that woman, and didn’t do it just to set up the punchline.

Unless it’s a Chicago deep-dish - worth the wait though.

Even less than that - he gutted and used the housing only, as far as I can tell.

It’s not always about keeping costs down, but keeping the cars from going too fast for the pilots to handle. There’s a cycle of innovation, where the enhancement matures and makes cars too dangerous, then they ‘outlaw’ that feature. But yeah, if there are some very expensive things that just a few teams can afford,

What really bothers me is period movies where everybody’s clothes look brand-new and stylish.

Well, they know how to grab ‘em...

Last one pretty much outlaws self-driving cars that need to choose between hurting a passenger or a pedestrian.

All it takes is someone to come visit you, place a bag/backpack on the floor with a few ‘hitchhikers’...

Don’t forget if you did order it with prime 2-day guaranteed delivery, and it’s late, just message customer service and ask for your prime membership to be extended for one month. I try to pay attention to this, and got mine extended a few times. It’s part of the terms of service (or used to be).

As a motorcycle user, I’d suggest: Both transparent and tinted lenses (if it cannot be darkened dynamically), contouring temple tips (so it doesn’t catch on the helmet). But especially software open enough that we could have our phones project info overlayed on a corner. In other words, a generic and hopefully