
Thanks for the clarification. All the power of Thor to you.

That right there tells you it's broken - there's never a place to park in Chicago (yeah, live here too).

We heard you the first time, but still no excuse. All of google is beta - and apple advertised siri as the greatest new feature on the phone, so it simply has to work right.

#offtopic , but why the hell is Jesus back already? Did they take your hammer away? Giz is losing more and more credibility each day...

Cat videos, not text...

Please, Giz, give us a way to ban an author!

oh-oh, now they know about it...

Charade? Maybe if you had actual couter-arguments I'd be interested. Stop trolling.

My kids play games, I don't care much about them, but it's my choice. Besides, we're talking about education, not play. When colleges sign over to apple, you're forced to paying for their overpriced hardware. I'd rather have an open-source software solution that is hardware independent. Apple likes to mandate how I

I'd rather have a software that runs on any platform. Commiting to this is signing your soul over to the devil.

display fusion?

Excellent ! I'll be borrowing a few of these.

Congrats! Finally someone at Giz/Lifehacker who isn't biased against MS. Great overview.

Meant: absolutely correct. Found annoying.

Since I got a Focus S, I sent my old Focus to my son in Brazil. Called AT&T and unlocked it in minutes. No hassle. They asked me if I paid full price - I said no, but it was over a year ago, so they didn't mind. Even if you paid the low subsidized price, just wait a few months and they may let you do it. Or explain

Then screen size is probably more important. Try it first.

Purty? Fugly!

I actually feel sad for all the app(lemmings)...

For one, I'd bet all the times he found and had to remove porn from the computers, it was a guy's.

Plenty. IE 9 is way better than previous versions. Get over it.