
Well, being a woman or gay or trans or whatever is only one aspect of one’s identity. I think wanting to believe and protect your friends and/or protect your job is part of human nature as well.

Because 1) they needed to conduct the investigation while evidence is fresh, as he described; and 2) he needs to clearly summarize the evidence so Congress can impeach.  

They probably don’t work for people with serious addiction issues, but I imagine that if you are a problem drinker and just need some time away with no access to alcohol and some counseling it could help get you over that hump.  But obviously you would have to really commit and want to stop drinking/using once you got

Ideally you can do both.  Demand men never do that, but people are going to rob, murder and rape despite all of our demands.  With sexual assault you can also communicate early and often that if this happens, it is not okay, but not your fault, and nothing to be ashamed of.  

Depression in men does more often express itself as anger than in women, so I think that has something to do with it, and can cause it to be misdiagnosed.  

For GRRM & HBO to turn their backs on the foundation they themselves set sickens and angers me. It’s a betrayal of our loyalty to spin an outrageous ending just so they can boast that “no one saw it coming” or guessed it.

Ghosts? Hit men? There must be a Nigerian soap opera with this plotline somewhere.

Of course he does.  He is totally a “genius”.

Sansa is queen of an entire country, something her father and brother’s couldn’t achieve.  How is that a consolation prize?

I am having trouble understanding why anyone rooted for Dany to begin with.  She wanted to invade another continent and burn it down with her dragons because she thought it was her special right.  

They are going to Naath, a populated island with no army, to serve as it’s army.

The episode was giving me major Narnia vibes with the siblings.  

That was my only issue as well.  I understand the Grey Worm wouldn’t necessarily want to kill off the rest of his troops by engaging in a war with the northerners if ultimately he doesn’t even want to stay in the country, but they definitely papered over discovering the assassination and his being shown the

Right.  I don’t think some people understand that they couldn’t have both the big battles and more episodes. It already took them two years to make the season. So they could have made more episodes but they would have had to cut out one of the huge battles. Probably a good tradeoff but I also really loved those as

That is how I feel. They can’t do GRRM well. But they can do spectacle well. Of course I would rather have Seasons 7-9 of perfection, but I think I would rather have two somewhat rushed seasons and get to the right place with some great battles and emotional scenes mixed in, then have them attempt to recreate lots of

No a lot of sky scrapers in King’s Landing.

I knew I was in some sort of minority because so many people liked her, but I don’t see this as a huge change. I always thought she was entitled and power hungry and too quick to want to rain down fire and blood. Combine that with the recent shocks and it seemed very plausible to me.  

The family vs. honor thing was big for Ned and Jon as well. Ned chose protecting his family in the end, but it was too late and he lost his head. Jon chose duty/honor and didn’t help Robb, but then goes back to his family after being resurrected.

It means that our society is becoming so weird that people think not being entertained by an episode of TV is like a personal insult that must be rectified.  Instead of, I don’t know, changing the channel.  

Well, that was one option.  But personally I think any redemption arc of his would have been ruined if he decided to murder his unborn child as opposed to basically go on a suicide mission in the off chance he could save King’s Landing and his sister.