
My fanfic is going to be totally awesome and then we can film it with my Barbie dolls and it will be head canon for the real fans.  Here’s my GoFundMe account.  

There’s no need to be angry about a show.  

The whole “She’s not her father” was her supporters reassuring people who were afraid that she was going to turn into her father, not a statement of fact.  

Ha, I wasn’t egging her on so I guess I am surprised that people are so surprised. Though to be fair I wasn’t expecting her to go so crazy until this season.

My take was that he slept with Brienne and intended to stay with her, then there is that news about what is going on down south and it is emphasized that Cersei really is going down and he realizes he needs to head back to her in her moment of death.  Not like “I miss my old girlfriend” but “my twin and mother of my

She is a clear bad guy, but she is not an ultimate evil. She is complex and the book and the show humanize her as time goes on. Not to the extent they do Jamie, but I had some sympathy for her in her POV chapters.

She has been bloodthirsty from the get-go, not just the last two seasons.

Clearly he has a lot of cousins in King’s Landing.

In a world with Joffrey and Ramsay in it, a woman committing war crimes is a hit piece on women in power?

Of those three cities I’ve only been to Venice, but it it very flat and doesn’t have the same set up as King’s Landing:

I think they were all accidentally exploded by the dragon fire.

My take too.  Burning stuff was her catharsis and it got taken away from her too early.  

We can talk about rushed sequences, and the show condensing plotlines down to fit the run time. But can we stop pretending like any of this wasn’t visible a mile away on a show that’s a fictionalised history of medieval Europe, one of the most well-documented periods of brutality and cruelty in history.”

I assumed she learned from experience, as well as being the one to initiate contact.  

Yeah, he wanted him to smuggle Jamie and Cersei out.  

As the tallest structure by far, it is pretty easy to see it from anywhere in the city.  

That was exactly what he was writing on those scrolls. I assume he got some of those off with the ravens before he was arrested because he only burns the final one.

Yes, fire can make stone explode.  

Unless I missed something, Cersei didn’t call for the bells to be rung, it was all her soldiers deciding to surrender on their own.  

Really. Solid contender for best in my view.  Although I still think Baelor is the best overall.