
In the real world, it seems eminently believable that a person might run back to his twin when he hears that she is dying, no matter their recent history. He can escape her when she is alive, but not when she is about to be taken from him forever. Plenty of people have toxic parents and agonize about what to do when

When I was in school you could only pay with cash, so schools weren’t faced with the issue of what to do if kids were essentially charging things and parents weren’t paying. There was obviously some other system for kids getting assistance, but for everyone else we had to pay at the time.  Not sure what the solution

The way I see it though, bad service is basically someone being an obstacle between me and the food the cook is making (i.e. never coming over to take my order, mixing it up, etc.). The focus is on the food. The relaxing thing about going out to eat is not having to cook or wash the dishes. I love going to fancy

The only thing I would disagree with is that Metro police are notoriously extreme about arresting and fining people for eating on the train. DC is definitely the most strict subway system on this issue. So, I understand the irony and frustration that a Metro employee is eating on the train and telling a customer to

This is exactly it.  I don’t think most men are violent.  I have many close male relatives, friends, coworkers, etc.  But as a younger woman I also saw how angry and aggressive some guys could flip to if you refused to give them your number.  And any one night stand would always have the thought of “Hope he doesn’t

I think there are two options. 1) They are so horrible and hate-filled that they think the noose is referencing lynching and they think it is funny; or 2) when they found the noose in their office they took a photo mocking it to make fun of whichever kid hung it but they are so clueless and privileged that they didn’t

I would guess that.  Otherwise, that seems like blatant career suicide.  

Yeah, are things like gestational diabetes and morning sickness aren’t exactly healthy, let alone the more serious complications.

That’s what kills me. In reality, there is some natural tension between radical feminist theory, and trans ideology on gender, which it is an essential thing that is separate from biological sex. But this idea that trans women are men infiltrating sacred women’s spaces to, I don’t know, fuck things up is hilarious.

Instead of just overturning this as soon as possible (although necessary for the women in the state) I really want to see the ACLU take this to its full conclusion - in other words have people put fetuses on the census, claim tax deductions, sue someone, etc.  You can’t have it both ways.

Ha.  I have to wear those giant pads for a normal period.  

I thought it was a strange complaint seeing as how they just killed off Jorah the episode before.  But part of it may have to do with the fact that they really beefed up her role in the show, but still didn’t invent much of an interior life or motivation for her beyond Grey Worm’s love interest and Dany’s friend.  

I don’t think she is crying because he is leaving her, so much as she is crying because he is going to throw his life away for his evil sister and turning his back on what she knows he can be.  

I think he was loosely associated with Team Dany in Season 7, but it is not like he brought lots of allies with him. I think it is more that she is taking a potential future threat off the table and showing everyone there that she rewards loyalty.

I thought it felt very rushed, but rewarding allies by turning them into nobility and granting them lands is royalty 101.  

Was there a look?  I was waiting for him to react to the fact that Tyrion already knew she was pregnant, but I missed it.  

The last two seasons are rushed, but I think they have to be.  It is maybe more spectacle than nuance, but I really don’t think they would be able to capture the dialogue and character development from books that took years to write by one of the best fantasy writers.  Like, if they stretched the seasons for a few

My thoughts almost exactly.  Martin himself has set up the “winter” as the existential threat, but has done little in the books so far except drop a few hints, so I have no idea how it is going to develop.  The first time the Other came in the Long Night, didn’t it last hundreds of years and almost exterminate

I see Melisandre sort of like Professor Trelawney. Most of the time her prophecies are wrong, and she uses a lot of smoke and mirrors, but occasionally the Lord of Light actually chooses to gift her with some foresight or miracle.  But she doesn’t ever really know when or why.

I feel like I went to high school with you, or maybe that was just a common acting choice back then.