“Colonel Aldrin, I’m a huge fan...of space” is my favorite thing today.
“Colonel Aldrin, I’m a huge fan...of space” is my favorite thing today.
Ha. I actually didn’t have a problem with that. The zombie dragon was blocking his way into the Godswood, so he was psyching himself up for a suicide charge.
She does have blood all over her face, and at first wiping it out of her eyes, and then when she is under the table it is dripping everywhere. But, given how dark it was that may not have been visible to everyone.
My OLED still makes everything look like a soap opera, but it is 200% better than before I knew there was an image smoothing setting I could turn off.
We have an very large OLED (okay I don’t know the specs beyond that). When I streamed it Sunday night there were a ton of black/gray pixelated blobs. I just rewatched it today and it was a lot better. I also upped the brightness from 50 to 53, which messed a bit with the atmosphere but left my eyes a lot less…
I just think a huge part of this problem is that the entire work world is structured around this industrial model, where everyone has to be in a work location together at set hours, along with the fact the office job was built when most men had a wife at home. We both want women to have work equality and demand both…
I loved the episode, but agree they should either had all those characters in safer situations or killed off more.
“Sen. Dwight Walker (R-Beyond the Wall), long thought to be a serious contender for the Iron Throne, abruptly ended his candidacy for president of the Seven Kingdoms late Sunday night after he was reportedly involved in an altercation in the VIP section of a nightclub just outside of Winterfell.”
I know. People seem to forget that both she and Jon killed more wights than anyone else (except for Arya I guess).
Yeah, Cersei is looking pretty smart now. I mean, she is obviously going down anyways, but I would have skipped that battle too.
Martin has described them as a force of nature, and there isn’t any identifiable leader of them (yet) in the book. There is a lot of lore and mystery set up and I personally would like to see that more fully explained. But since the NK doesn’t exist like that in the books I have no idea where that plot is going to…
Just curious if you (and the many others who agree with you) would have felt different if this episode was the last one? I know Martin is inspired by the Return of the King question of what happens after the big evil is defeated. I felt that that (RotK) was super anti climatic as well. I guess I just went into this…
I was legitimately terrified and confused the whole time. I am not sure if it would hold up on a rewatch, but definitely the whole show and the Episode 2 set it up that anything could happen at any second and none of it was predictable.
She stabbed him in the location where the Children created him with their magic dagger.
In the Behind the Scenes it is explained that when she smacks her head she is weakened at least for a while.
They didn’t go out in a single battle though. They were victorious when they took down the Wall, and then I assume there were a lot of smaller victories before and after that (Last Hearth, etc.).
I agree. The only choice was either everyone at Winterfell dies, or they manage to kill the NK before everyone dies. Unless they had him head straight for King’s Landing in a fake, but given that Bran said his entire motivation was to kill the Three-Eyed Raven, I didn’t see that happening.
I have been hating on her as a character, but now that she sacrificed at least half of her army and used her dragon to roast half of the wights, I feel like Sansa owes her a bigger apology.
“It’s a badass moment, but it confirms that the Night King and his army were a fundamentally empty threat, capable of being erased in one fell swoop and without any kind of purpose beyond their existence.”
Right. It was basically an entire movie of just the battle with the Night King. Also, it showed that there was no way they could defeat his army in a traditional battle. The whole thing was Bran and Melisandre putting the pieces into play so Arya could assassinate him.