
I was sick with anxiety the entire time. Also happy that I was streaming it so I could pause a few times to decompress and figure out what the hell was happening in the darkness. The actors displayed fear a little too well for me.

It does feel a bit anti climatic, but George R.R. Martin has been very clear that he is interested by the whole Scouring of the Shire from LOTR.  Which, honestly, made Return of the King the movie drag a bit with its five different endings.

I saw it streaming on our OLED and it was very blotchy.  I didn’t mind too much though.

I don’t have a really clear and set opinion on where the current rights for the accused are in the school proceedings and if they need to change. I definitely think they should be rigorous. However allowing the accused to sue the school and accuser when not enough evidence has been found is ludicrous.

Honestly, the Barbie dolls are much more realistic than some of the equivalent Disney princess dolls.  The facial features are much more natural and the limbs not quite as stick thin.  I do like the different body types they have now.  I wasn’t allowed to play with Barbies as a kid because my mother thought they were

I actually agree with you on the virginity angle. I didn’t mind the scene, but I feel like even cold-blooded assassins would be a little more hesitant. Ripping off her clothes and pushing him down on the ground didn’t read like someone who, as far as I know, had never even kissed anyone before.

The House impeaching is basically the Grand Jury Indicting.  The Senate needs to then convict for there to be any removal from office.  

Maybe he wanted them to relay that “message” but really it just seems like a convenient way for the plot to get them there before the battle.

Ha!  I joined the juggling club in college because my crush was the head of it.  I actually successfully learned how to juggle so it was probably the most productive crush-related thing I have done.

I love that someone had to make up a rule to stop all the early Christians from constantly interrupting services to impress people.

If you don’t have enough boob they gape though.  I always need to safety pin mine.

I agree.  I think her storyline was good when she was playing off her brother and her initial struggle with getting respect from the Dothraki.  Then later it got mired in non-Westerosi politics and her gliding around looking queenly and concerned while her stable of adoring male advisors looked concerned too.  

I’m sorry, but “Morning Psycho Responds to Faithful Viewer” makes me love Joe Scarborough a little.  

I know, I don’t know if it is romantic or platonic, but it is love.

I know!  And I wasn’t really shipping Brienne and Jamie until this past episode.  Now I need them to get together.  That knighting was really the truest expression of love I’ve seen in a movie or TV show.  I am totally serious too.  

Thanks!  I was so distracted by the Tormund tackle in that scene I missed it.  

I am pretty sure that he does have the hots for her. Maybe it is clearer in the books?

 Maybe that rule is in a footnote somewhere.

For some reason that reminds me, how did Tormund beat the Night King to Winterfell?

Also, I am pretty sure that in some of the original drafts Martin was going to have Tyrion and Jon Snow both fall in love with Arya instead of Dany.