I am uncomfortably giggling right now after seeing that scroll up 20 times in a row.
I am uncomfortably giggling right now after seeing that scroll up 20 times in a row.
Speaking of things related to Sam, is Gilly pregnant? It seems like the actress that plays her is definitely pregnant.
I thought, “Wow, Mr. Belding looks great!”
I felt like that was the most genuine or emotionally intense hookup in the series for me. There is so much gratuitous sex in the series, this felt like the only sex (besides the rapes) where there was something else going on. But I think a big part of it was also because it was weird to see Arya strip down.
I just typed that in a response to another comment before I saw yours. I don’t know if it is purposeful or not because I don’t think she is the strongest actor. Her smiles are always off.
I thought her performance was week with Sansa too. Some other recap mentioned that it always seems like she is giving an annual performance review. Something about how/when she smiles feels very unnatural.
My pet peeves in books is when there is some crucial information that the audience knows and author puts increasingly contrived events to prevent one main character from sharing it with another. This felt a little contrived in that as soon as he mentioned it to her the horns sounded and they couldn’t talk it through.
How does “not founded on anything” equal “100 percent accurate” in her twisted mind?
Well, Mueller refused to consider if he colluded with Russia since it was too vague a term. Mueller found that h didn’t agree ahead of time with Russia to hack the DNC emails, but I don’t recall anyone ever saying that he did.
My main complaint in our 2017 outback is that the clock is impossible to see when you are driving. Also, the touchscreen has stopped working in the top right corner. Basically I despise having touchscreens in cars because I want to be able to do things while driving without having to take my eyes off the road. …
Well, the report is also very clear that they are not determining collusion since it is not a legal term. I think they would have only considered it conspiracy if the Trump campaign and the Russians agreed ahead of time to hack the DNC on behest of Trump.
I understand not wanting to repeat the whole Whitewater/Starr report extravaganza, but it is also difficult to just ignore stuff.
Pretty sure some of it has to do with the Assange case.
There were other instances where he was saved from bad charges because his staff refused to do the illegal things he asked them to do.
Earnestness is not as fun to watch as sarcasm, especially if you have rushed episodes and no book dialogue to work off of. I think he still has a key part in the story though.
Honestly, humans vs. white walkers is pretty straightforward, but I’m not sure who I root for in the Great Other vs. Lord of Light.
Then step away. Assuming commenters or writers on The Root or Splinter or anywhere represent everyone is a bad move. These websites exist to generate clicks and discussions and you need to go quietly interact with people around you instead.
Seriously, what has he been doing? I haven’t heard anything out of him, which means he either turned out to be 1) surprisingly competent; 2) just a little less scandal-ridden than everyone else in the administration; or 3) he has done absolutely nothing and has been hunkering down in his office watching TV.
I feel like for an actor, being called a “washed up celeb who lied to cops” might be worse for a career than an actual conviction.
I always compare hate crime laws with terrorism laws. Both can be abused, but they also acknowledge the reality that some crimes have a psychological terror impact beyond the impact of the associated crime (be it vandalism or assault or whatever). So if a sorority in my town flew a flag that said “girl power” I…