
Yes, this economy is so precarious and unjust that being burned out from a good job means also having a ton of gratitude and acknowledgment of privilege round a difficult situation. I’m one of the lucky ones straddling the gulf between the rich and poor. 

It’s my life, I’ve been forcing through burnout for about 8 years. It’s a big part of my anxiety and mixed with depression. I put long hours into my job (my second career) in the early years because I needed to get ahead. Now I put long hours in to catch up because I’m burned out and less efficient. I don’t know a

Thank you for the great summary.

I feel you tri, I moved from long-sleeve tees to short-sleeve tees in late March. Everyone else was in puffy jackets.

Taiwan! Barcelona!

Awww, what sweeties.

I’m sorry Krispy, what a rough week. I hope someone is there to wrap you in warm blankets and skritch you. I am so glad you share your shelter kitty news with us, both the good and the bad.

This is good cannibal witching. Not to mention, children are delicious.

Still gray after all these years. I keep saying I’m going to join twitter and then get lazy. Otherwise, same old, same old, and so glad spring is here.

Hey, where have you been? How have you been? I miss the old crowd.

Ouch. Get better and find a nicer vacation spot.

Ugh. This sping has been hard on me too, to a lesser degree, but enough that I wish I could send more than internet hugs. 

Great pics! It’s good to hear from you. 

Yeah, what was up with you being banned? I’ve never read any thing other than personal or supportive comments from you.

Yeah, if there’s public money going to this, they damn well bettter include a primer on the many forms of Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam and all the other thousands of religions that represent our citizens and indigenous peoples.

This is nuts! Have you emailed them to see if it could have been a mistake? 

Kennywood! I haven’t thought of that place in years. 

Ugh, my heart goes out to you. Hugs all around (if you want them).

I don’t understand how strangulation isn’t considered attempted murder and prosecuted as such. Every damn time. 

This is me, GELLA. We’re twinsies. It’s really hard. It’s been so long that I’ve lost my sense of humor, and that way lies ruin. Working on that part now myself. You’renot alone, if that helps..